Project Delivery & Integrator

Our Expertise

From holistic and sustainable townships to innovative public infrastructure solutions, our expertise grows along with the needs of the industry.

Explore one of our three competency pillars below.

At Gamuda, we have significant experience delivering complex projects both as a project delivery partner and as a turnkey contractor, responsible for all phases from engineering through to commissioning.

Through KVMRT projects, we efficiently managed more than 200 consultants and contractors to carry out multidisciplinary roles from scheme design, route selection, management of the detailed design, construction, interfaces and integration until the successful commissioning of the metro rail system.

Interface Management

Interface management is a crucial component for successful project delivery, impacting speed, costs and even safety, especially over the course of a complex project.

The work between multidisciplinary and regional teams carrying out several daily tasks calls for seamless collaboration. Our expertise in coordination combined with leveraging digital tools and technologies enables us to optimise our work. This is more so for mega projects such as the MRT, which we have successfully strategised for and effectively implemented in our projects.

This inclusive approach allows us to effectively address challenges associated with constructability, design interfaces, safety and public inconvenience, which are key factors in managing a mega infrastructure project.

Systems Integration

Systems works are a key component in the construction of a railway line. Recognising the demand for this expertise, Gamuda was one of the first Malaysian companies to establish a system integration in-house, starting with the Electrified Double Track Project.

This allowed us to hone our skills and experience in integrating civil infrastructure works with system aspects and eventually placed us at the forefront to undertake the systems integration works for the KVMRT projects.

Systems works for the KVMRT projects encompass the design, manufacturing, testing and commissioning of electric passenger trains, track works, signalling and various systems for train control, power supply, communications and fare collection.

Seamless integration of these components is vital to deliver a safe and reliable transportation system and smooth train services that perform optimally in all phases of its life cycle.

Stakeholder Management

With extensive experience, industry knowledge and numerous projects, our stakeholder engagement and community management is a story to tell.

We have a strong delivery record in major infrastructure and has often taken a lead role, working closely with the project owner, to manage, coordinate and deliver stakeholder and community engagement activities within Greater Kuala Lumpur, with a population of nearly 12 million people.

The MRT Kajang Line and MRT Putrajaya Line, for example, is a game changer in the country’s public transportation development. As a national infrastructure project with alignment cutting across Klang Valley densely populated areas, the project was highly scrutinised and demanded both high quality and effective stakeholder management, finding a balance between progressing construction and minimising public inconvenience and potential complaints or objection.

Our proven record and achievements in managing community and sensitive issues throughout construction is a demonstration of our ability to shape successful project outcomes through meaningful engagement.

We effectively approach community management with core principals of openness, transparency, inclusiveness and collaboration. While encouraging two way open communication and information sharing.

Our stakeholders are an integral part of what we do, thus understanding and addressing their expectations is key towards strengthening the community relationship and a crucial element in completing our projects successfully.

MRT Kajang Line

Connected with 9,000 stakeholders

720 engagement sessions

recieved 3,000 enquiries

90% resolution rate

MRT Putrajaya Line

Over five years,

10,000 people connected

with nearlly across 860

engagement sessions