- 48th AGM
- 47th AGM
- 46th AGM
- 45th AGM & EGM
- 44th AGM
- 43rd AGM & EGM
- 42nd AGM
- 41st AGM
- 40th AGM
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chan Wai Yen, Millie
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chia Aun Ling
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Justin Chin Jing Ho
Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Paul Ha and Managing Director, Gamuda Engineering
422 shareholders, 34 Proxies (including Chairman) and One Corporate Representative, holding 1,938,027,549 ordinary shares representing 68.66%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Chu Wai Lune
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
Mr Ong Chee Wai
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Director, Legal & Company Secretarial cum Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the 48th AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders and the proxies of the Company (collectively “Members”) for attending the 48th AGM of the Company which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. Regn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
The Chairman informed that the 48th AGM is conducted virtually in line with the Company’s commitment to sustainable practices and to promote eco-friendliness. He added that the fully virtual AGM using RPV facilities is in compliance with:
as well as in line with Practice 13.0 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 48th AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members that participation at the 48th AGM is restricted to Members and authorised corporate representatives. He also emphasised that any form of audio or visual recording of the 48th AGM is not allowed, as the proceedings is confidential. As the 48th AGM is being conducted fully virtually, the Chairman further explained that, as a contingency in the event of an unstable internet connection on his part, Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena would assume the role of Chair for the 48th AGM.
With the requisite quorum confirmed by the Company Secretary, pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 48th AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Integrated Report 2024 together with the Notice convening the 48th AGM and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 7 November 2024 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board, Group Key Senior Management and the Company Secretary as well as the representatives from the external auditors, Ernst & Young PLT who were all in attendance virtually at this 48th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that:
The Chairman then invited the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Ms. Low Chee Yen presented the following to the Members: –
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Ms. Low handed over the 48th back to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Ms. Low for her presentation. He highlighted that there are nine items on the agenda for the 48th AGM, all of which are Ordinary Resolutions.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. Questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement on the closure of Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions together with the MSWG questions and the pre-submitted questions will be published on the Company’s website at the earliest possible, after the 48th AGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to the first agenda of the 48th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 48th AGM was to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors were only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to present Resolution 1, seeking shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysian Nine Hundred and Forty-Five Thousand (RM945,000) for the financial year ended 31 July 2024.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
Before proceeding to Agenda 3, the Chairman informed the meeting that:
TThe Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of Malaysian Ringgit Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand (RM380,000/-), as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 6 December 2024 until the next AGM in 2025.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration has been provided on page 441 of the Notice of AGM in this year’s Integrated Report.
The Chairman informed the meeting that:
The Chairman then proceeded to Agendas 4 and 5.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 is on the re-election of Directors retiring pursuant to Clauses 105 of the Company’s Constitution, respectively and that their profiles are provided on pages 72 and 74 of this year’s Integrated Report.
As to the Directors standing for re-election, the Chairman informed the meeting that in line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has via the Nomination Committee conducted the necessary assessment on the Directors standing for re-election and has endorsed the recommendation of the Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors were eligible to stand for re-election.
The Chairman highlighted that Resolutions 3 and 4 were to consider the re-election of the following Directors, retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Company’s Constitution and both of being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election: –
The Chairman apprised the Members that a poll would be conducted for the voting on Resolutions 3 and 4 upon the conclusion of the remaining agenda items for today’s meeting. Additionally, he emphasized that any Directors who are also Company shareholders would abstain from voting on the aforementioned resolutions related to their re-elections.
With that, the Chairman moved to the next item on the agenda, Agenda 5.
The Chairman moved on to Agenda 6 on the re-appointment of Ernst & Young PLT (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed the Members as follows:
The Chairman informed the Meeting that voting on Resolution 5 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 48th AGM and proceeded to Agenda 6.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the next Agenda 6 is a Special Business empowering Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Company did not issue any new ordinary shares under the general mandate which was approved at last year’s AGM. He further informed the Members that should there be any decision to issue new ordinary shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of new ordinary shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman informed the AGM that voting on Resolution 6 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meetings. He then proceeded to Agenda 7.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Agenda 7 is also a Special Business relating to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the said proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 7 November 2024.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the Share Buy-back Statement that the said proposal is in the interest of the Company.
The Chairman informed the AGM that voting on Resolution 7 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 48th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 8.
The Chairman highlighted that the last agenda for the 48th AGM is another Special Business to consider and if thought fit to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the issuance of new ordinary shares in the Company arising from the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Ordinary Resolution 8, if passed, gives authority to the Company Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan in respect of dividends declared after today’s 48th AGM, and such authority shall expire at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
The Chairman again informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution 8 shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 48th AGM.
Upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not receive any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at the 48th AGM, the Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session.
At this juncture, the Chairman reminded Members to cast their votes as the voting session will be closed soon after the Question & Answer session.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed the Members that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the 48th AGM and further informed that: –
The responses to the live Q&As are also set out in “Appendix C” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 10.25 a.m.
At 10.25 a.m., the Chairman declared the 48th AGM adjourned for the voting session and shall remain adjourned for the Poll Administrator to count the votes and thereafter, for the scrutineers to validate the poll results.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote voting session will be closed in another 10 minutes from 10.25 a.m. and Members who have yet to cast their votes were advised to do so immediately.
The Chairman informed the Members that the 48th AGM shall resume in approximately 30 minutes from 10.25 a.m.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on the casting of votes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were replayed on screen.
The Chairman then called the 48th AGM to order at 10.53 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Resolutions 1 to 8.
The poll results were displayed on screen for the Members’ information as follows: –
Based on the poll results above which was projected on the screen as verified and confirmed by the Scrutineers, the Chairman declared Resolutions 1 to 8 tabled at the 48th AGM duly carried and RESOLVED as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 |
To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 July 2024 |
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Nine Hundred and Forty-five Thousand (RM945,000/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2024, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 |
To approve the payment of Directors’ remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/- for the period from 6 December 2024 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2025 |
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/- only payable for the period from 6 December 2024 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2025 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 |
To re-elect Y. Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai, who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Company’s Constitution and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election |
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai, a Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 4 |
To re-elect Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari who is retiring in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election |
“THAT Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 5 |
To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT, the retiring Auditors and to authorise the Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration |
“THAT Ernst & Young PLT, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Ordinary Resolution 6 |
To authorise the issuance of up to 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 |
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company (excluding treasury shares) (“New Shares”) for the time being (“Authority”) AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the New Shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad [Co. Regn. No. 200301033577 (635998-W)] (“Bursa Securities”) AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 7 |
To approve the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority |
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that:
AND THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and enter into all such transactions, agreements and arrangements, and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) as the Director may in their absolute discretion deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until: –
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities or any other relevant authorities.”
Ordinary Resolution 8 |
To authorise the issuance of new Ordinary Shares in the Company (“New Gamuda Shares”) pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan that provides shareholders of the Company with an option to elect to reinvest their cash dividends into New Gamuda Shares (“Dividend Reinvestment Plan”) |
“THAT pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2019, and subject to the approvals of all relevant regulatory authorities or parties being obtained, where required, approval be and is hereby given for the Company to allot and issue such number of New Gamuda Shares from time to time as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may, at its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares shall be fixed by the Directors of the Company at not more than ten percent (10%) discount to the adjusted 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAMP”) of the existing ordinary shares of Gamuda immediately prior to the price-fixing date, of which the VWAMP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fixing the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares AND THAT such authority to allot and issue New Gamuda Shares shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company;
AND THAT the Directors and the Secretaries of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements and agreements and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents and impose such terms and conditions as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) including suspension and termination of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities.”
On behalf of the Board, the Chairman thanked the Members for their virtual participation at the 48th AGM and continuous support. Before closing the 48th AGM, the Chairman informed the shareholders that:
The Chairman then declared the 48th AGM duly closed at 10.54 a.m.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Millie Chan Wai Yen
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chia Aun Ling
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Justin Chin Jing Ho
Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Paul Ha and Managing Director, Gamuda Engineering
321 Members, 28 Proxies (including Chairman) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,990,763,127 Ordinary Shares representing 70.53%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Chu Wai Lune
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
Ms. Low Chee Yen
Investor Relation
Mr. Stanley Lee
Representatives from RHB Investment Bank Berhad
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the EGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders of the Company and the proxies (collectively “Members”) for attending the EGM of the Company.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 70 of the Constitution of the Company (as confirmed by the Company Secretary), the Chairman declared the EGM duly convened at 11.00 a.m.
The Notice convening the EGM together with the Circular to Shareholders in relation to the “Proposed Bonus Issue of Up to 2,978,945,287 New Ordinary Shares in Gamuda on the Basis of One Bonus Share for Every One Existing Gamuda Shares held on an Entitlement Date to be Determined and Announced Later (“Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares”), both dated 7 November 2024 were taken as read.
As with the introduction of Board members at the 48th AGM, the Chairman confirmed that all members of the Board are also in attendance at this EGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that:
The Chairman then invited the Tricor being the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. Stanley Lee, the representative from RHB Investment Bank Berhad [Co. Regn. No. 199401002639 (19663-P)] being the Principal Adviser for the Proposed Bonus Issue of Share, presented the said proposal so that the shareholders will have a better understanding of the said proposal.
Upon completion of the presentation, Mr. Stanley Lee handed over the EGM to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Stanley Lee for his presentation. He highlighted that there is only one item on the agenda for today’s EGM, which is to consider and approve the Ordinary Resolution on the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. Questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement on the closure of Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions will be published on the Company’s website at the earliest possible, after the EGM.
The Chairman proceeded to the agenda for the EGM which is to consider and if thought fit, to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares.
The Chairman informed that the details of the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares are set out in the Circular to Shareholders dated 7 November 2024.
The Chairman reiterated that the Board has deliberated and considered all aspects of the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares and is of the opinion that:
The Chairman informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution shall be conducted by poll for today’s EGM.
At this juncture, the Chairman reminded Members to cast their votes as the voting session will be closed soon after the Question & Answer session.
The Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session at 11.13 a.m.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed the Members that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the EGM and further informed that: –
There was only one live question received and the response to the live Q&As has been addressed by Mr. Stanley Lee and is as set out in “Appendix A” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 11.15 a.m.
At 11.15 a.m., the Chairman declared the EGM adjourned for thevoting session and shall remain adjourned for the Tricor to countthe votes and thereafter, for the Scrutineers to validate the pollresults.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote votingsession will be closed in another 10 minutes from 11.15 a.m. andMembers who have yet to cast their votes were advised to do soimmediately.
The Chairman informed the Members that the EGM shall resume inapproximately 30 minutes from 11.15 a.m.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on the casting ofvotes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor werereplayed on screen.
The Chairman then called the EGM to order at 11.40 a.m. for thedeclaration of the poll results on the Ordinary Resolution.
Based on the poll results above and which was projected on the screen as verified and confirmed by the Scrutineers, the Chairman declared the Ordinary Resolution on the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares tabled at the EGM duly carried and RESOLVED as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution : |
To approve the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares |
“THAT subject to the approvals of all relevant authorities and/or parties being obtained, approval be and is hereby given to the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) to issue and allot up to 2,978,945,287 Bonus Shares, issued as fully paid, at no consideration and without capitalisation of the Company’s reserves, on the basis of 1 Bonus Share for every 1 existing Gamuda Share held, to the shareholders of the Company whose names appear in the Record of Depositors of the Company as at 5.00 p.m. on the entitlement date to be determined by the Board and announced by the Company at a later date AND THAT the Bonus Shares shall, upon issuance and allotment, rank equally in all respects with the then existing Gamuda Shares.
THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to take all such necessary steps to give effect to the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares with full power to assent to any conditions, variations, modifications and/or amendments in any manner as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and to deal with all matters relating thereto and to take all such steps and do all such acts and things in any manner as the Board may consider necessary or expedient to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares.”
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chan Wai Yen, Millie
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chia Aun Ling
Independent Non-Executive Director
382 shareholders, 45 Proxies (including Chairman) and One Corporate Representative, holding 1,849,764,465 ordinary shares representing 69.50%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Ybhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
(Deputy Group Managing Director)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Chu Wai Lune
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
Mr Ong Chee Wai
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Director, Legal & Company Secretarial cum Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the 47th AGM
of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders and the proxies of the Company (collectively “Members”) for attending the 47th AGM of the Company which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. Regn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
The Chairman informed that the 47th AGM is conducted virtually in line with the Company’s commitment to sustainable practices and to promote eco-friendliness. He added that the fully virtual AGM using RPV facilities is in compliance with:
as well as in line with Practice 13.0 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 47th AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members that participation at the 47th AGM is restricted to Members and authorised corporate representatives. As such, any form of audio or visual recording of the 47th AGM is not allowed since the proceedings of the 47th AGM is confidential. As the 47th AGM is conducted fully virtual, the Chairman added that as a contingency should his internet connection become unstable, Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena will take over the chair of the 47th AGM.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 47th AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Integrated Report 2023 together with the Notice convening the 47th AGM and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 8 November 2023 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board, Group Key Senior Management and the Company Secretary as well as the representatives from the external auditors, Ernst & Young PLT who were all in attendance virtually at this 47th AGM.
The Chairman highlighted that Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai, the Deputy Group Managing Director, was unable to attend the 47th AGM as he was representing Gamuda at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Upper Padas Hydroelectric Power Plant in Tenom, Sabah. This event took place in the presence of the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Chief Minister of Sabah.
The Chairman informed the Members that:
The Chairman then invited the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Ms. Low Chee Yen presented the following to the Members: –
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Ms. Low handed over the meeting back to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Ms. Low for her presentation. He highlighted that there are nine items on the agenda for the 47th AGM, all of which are Ordinary Resolutions.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. Questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement on the closure of Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions together with the MSWG questions and the pre-submitted questions will be published on the Company’s website at the earliest possible, after the 47th AGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to the first agenda of the 47th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 47th AGM was to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors were only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Nine Hundred and Nine Thousand Four Hundred and Nine-seven (RM909,427/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2023.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
Before proceeding to Agenda 3, the Chairman informed the meeting that:
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of Malaysian Ringgit Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand (RM380,000/-), as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 8 December 2023 until the next AGM in 2024.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration has been provided on page 439 of the Notice of AGM in the Integrated Report 2023.
The Chairman informed the meeting that:
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 and 5 are on re-election of Directors retiring pursuant to Clauses 105 and 111 of the Company’s Constitution, respectively and that their profiles are provided on pages 70, 73 and 76 of the Integrated Report 2023.
As to the Directors standing for re-election, the Chairman informed the meeting that in line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has via the Nomination Committee conducted the necessary assessment on the Directors standing for re-election and has endorsed the recommendation of the Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors were eligible to stand for reelection.
The Chairman highlighted that:
The Chairman apprised the Members that a poll would be conducted for the voting on Resolutions 3, 4, and 5 upon the conclusion of the remaining agenda items for today’s meeting. Additionally, he emphasized that any Directors who are also Company shareholders would abstain from voting on the aforementioned resolutions related to their re-elections. With that, the Chairman moved to the next item on the agenda, Agenda 6.
The Chairman moved on to Agenda 6 on the re-appointment of Ernst & Young PLT (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed the Members as follows:
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 5 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 47th AGM and proceeded to Agenda 7.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the next Agenda 7 is a Special Business empowering Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
The Chairman highlighted that shareholders’ approval was also sought for the waiver of the Members’ statutory pre-emptive rights under Section 85 of the Companies Act 2016 to allow Company Directors to allot new ordinary shares without first offering them to existing shareholders of the Company in proportion to their holdings pursuant to the general mandate.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Company did not issue any new ordinary shares under the general mandate which was approved at last year’s AGM. He further informed the Members that should there be any decision to issue new ordinary shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of new ordinary shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 7 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meetings. He then proceeded to Agenda 8.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Agenda 8 is also a Special Business relating to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the said proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 8 November 2023.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the Share Buy-back Statement that the said proposal is in the interest of the Company.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 8 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 47th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 9.
The Chairman highlighted that the last agenda for the 47th AGM is another Special Business to consider and if thought fit to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the issuance of new ordinary shares in the Company arising from the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Ordinary Resolution 9, if passed, gives authority to the Company Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan in respect of dividends declared after today’s 47th AGM, and such authority shall expire at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
The Chairman again informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution 9 shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 47th AGM.
Upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not receive any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at the 47th AGM, the Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session.
At this juncture, the Chairman reminded Members to cast their votes as the voting session will be closed soon after the Question & Answer session.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed the Members that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the 47th AGM and further informed that:-
The responses to the live Q&As are also set out in “Appendix C” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 11.00 a.m.
At 11.02 a.m., the Chairman declared the 47th AGM adjourned for the voting session and shall remain adjourned for the Poll Administrator to count the votes and thereafter, for the scrutineers to validate the poll results.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote voting session will be closed in another 10 minutes from 11.02 a.m. and Members who have yet to cast their votes were advised to do so immediately.
The Chairman informed the Members that the 47th AGM shall resume in approximately 30 minutes from 11.02 a.m. Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on the casting of votes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were replayed on screen.
The Chairman then called the 47th AGM to order at 11.25 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Resolutions 1 to 9.
The poll results were displayed on screen for the Members’ information as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 July 2023 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 944 | 79 |
No. of Shares | 1,747,344,564 | 100,970 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9942 | 0.0058 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Nine Hundred and Nine Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-seven (RM909,497/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2023, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/- for the period from 8 December 2023 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2024 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 932 | 89 |
No. of Shares | 1,744,840,171 | 2,591,069 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8517 | 0.1483 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/- only payable for the period from 8 December 2023 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2024 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer himself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 887 | 109 |
No. of Shares | 1,637,389,836 | 74,137,951 |
% of Voted Shares | 95.6683 | 4.3117 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang, a Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 4 | ||
Description | To re-elect Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena who is retiring in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 671 | 348 |
No. of Shares | 1,066,617,937 | 333,149,744 |
% of Voted Shares | 76.1996 | 23.8004 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 5 | ||
Description | To re-elect Ms. Chia Aun Ling who is retiring in accordance with Clause 111 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 678 | 349 |
No. of Shares | 1,661,572,356 | 185,063,673 |
% of Voted Shares | 89.9783 | 10.0217 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ms. Chia Aun Ling, the Director retiring pursuant to Clause 111 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 6 | ||
Description | To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT, the retiring Auditors and to authorise the Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 571 | 460 |
No. of Shares | 1,598,055,673 | 251,615,753 |
% of Voted Shares | 86.3967 | 13.6033 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ernst & Young PLT, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Ordinary Resolution 7 | ||
Description | To authorise the issuance of up to 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 898 | 129 |
No. of Shares | 1,059,344,373 | 790,341,809 |
% of Voted Shares | 57.2716 | 42.7284 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company (excluding treasury shares) (“New Shares”) for the time being (“Authority”) AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the New Shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad [Co. Regn. No. 200301033577 (635998-W)] (“Bursa Securities”) AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
THAT pursuant to Section 85 of the Companies Act 2016 read together with Clause 62 of the Constitution of the Company, the shareholders of the Company do hereby waive their statutory pre-emptive rights over all New Shares issued under the Authority.”
Ordinary Resolution 8 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 898 | 126 |
No. of Shares | 1,112,416,116 | 737,232,282 |
% of Voted Shares | 60.142 | 39.8580 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that:
AND THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and enter into all such transactions, agreements and arrangements, and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) as the Director may in their absolute discretion deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until: –
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities or any other relevant authorities.”
Ordinary Resolution 9 | ||
Description | To authorise the issuance of new Ordinary Shares in the Company (“New Gamuda Shares”) pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan that provides shareholders of the Company with an option to elect to reinvest their cash dividends into New Gamuda Shares (“Dividend Reinvestment Plan”) | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 952 | 74 |
No. of Shares | 1,849,140,827 | 545,252 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9705 | 0.0295 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2019, and subject to the approvals of all relevant regulatory authorities or parties being obtained, where required, approval be and is hereby given for the Company to allot and issue such number of New Gamuda Shares from time to time as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may, at its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares shall be fixed by the Directors of the Company at not more than ten percent (10%) discount to the adjusted 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAMP”) of the existing ordinary shares of Gamuda immediately prior to the price-fixing date, of which the VWAMP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fixing the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares AND THAT such authority to allot and issue New Gamuda Shares shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company;
AND THAT the Directors and the Secretaries of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements and agreements and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents and impose such terms and conditions as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) including suspension and termination of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results projected on the screen as verified and confirmed by the Scrutineers, the Chairman declared Resolutions 1 to 9 tabled at the 47th AGM duly carried.
A copy of the poll results prepared by Tricor is enclosed herewith as “Appendix D” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board, the Chairman thanked the Members for their virtual participation at the 47th AGM and continuous support.
The Chairman then declared the 47th AGM duly closed at 11.32 a.m.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein (“Dato’ MH”)
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chan Wai Yen, Millie
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan Mohd Yusof (“Danny Rashdan”)
Deputy Group Managing Director / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Mr. Justin Chin Jing Ho
Managing Director, Gamuda Engineering / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai
Three hundred and twenty-four (324) shareholders, Thirty-three (33) Proxies (including Chairman) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,822,615,426 ordinary shares representing 70.32%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Ngan Chee Meng
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Mr Ong Chee Wai
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Shernice Heng Xin Yi
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Director, Legal & Company Secretarial cum Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the 46th AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders and the proxies of the Company (collectively “Members”) for attending the 46th AGM of the Company which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. Regn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
As part of the Group’s safety measures, the Chairman informed that the 46th AGM is conducted virtually for the safety of all who are participating or involved in today’s 46th AGM. He added that the fully virtual AGM using RPV facilities is in compliance with:
as well as in line with Practice 13.0 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 46th AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members that participation at the 46th AGM is restricted to the Members and authorised corporate representatives. As such, any form of audio or visual recording of the 46th AGM is not allowed since the proceedings of the 46th AGM is confidential. As the 46th AGM is conducted fully virtual, the Chairman added that as a contingency should his internet connection become unstable, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang will take over the chair of the 46th AGM.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 46th AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Integrated Report 2022 together with the Notice convening the 46th AGM and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2022 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board, Group Key Senior Management and the Company Secretary as well as the representatives from the external auditors, Ernst & Young PLT who were all in attendance remotely via Zoom video conference at this 46th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that:
The Chairman then invited the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Mr. Danny Rashdan presented the following to the Members: –
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Mr Danny Rashdan handed over the meeting back to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Danny Rashdan for his presentation. He highlighted that there are nine items on the agenda for today’s 46th AGM, all of which are Ordinary Resolutions.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. Questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement on the closure of Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions together with the MSWG questions and the pre-submitted questions will be published on the Company’s website as soon as practicable, after the 46th AGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to the first agenda of the 46th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 46th AGM was to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors were only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Seven Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Six (RM786,426/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2022.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
Before proceeding to Agenda 3, the Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 1 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 46th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM395,000/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 9 December 2022 until the next AGM in 2023.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration has been provided on page 426 of the Notice of AGM in the Integrated Report 2022.
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this 46th AGM, Members’ approval shall be sought at the next AGM in 2023.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 2 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 46th AGM. He then proceeded to Agendas 4 and 5.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 and 5 relates to the re-election of the following Company Directors who being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election pursuant to Clauses 105 and 111 respectively of the Constitution of the Company, namely: –
The profiles of the aforesaid two Directors were set out on pages 84 and 89 of the Integrated Report 2022.
At this juncture, the Chairman informed the meeting that he has completed his 9-year tenure in Gamuda and that he does not intend to seek re-election. Consequently, he will be retiring as an Independent Chairman of Gamuda at the conclusion of the 46th AGM in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company.
As to the Directors standing for re-election, the Chairman informed the meeting that in line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has engaged an independent external consultant to conduct the necessary assessment on the Directors standing for re-election and has endorsed the recommendation of the Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors were eligible to stand for re-election.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolutions 3 and 4 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meeting. He then proceeded to Agenda 6.
The Chairman moved on to Agenda 5 on the re-appointment of Ernst & Young PLT (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed the Members as follows:
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 5 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 46th AGM and proceeded to Agenda 7.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the next Agenda is a Special Business empowering Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
The Chairman highlighted that shareholders’ approval was also sought for the waiver of the Members’ statutory pre-emptive rights under Section 85 of the Companies Act 2016 to allow Company Directors to allot new ordinary shares without first offering them to existing shareholders of the Company in proportion to their holdings pursuant to the general mandate.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Company did not issue any new ordinary shares under the general mandate which was approved at last year’s AGM. He further informed the Members that should there be any decision to issue new ordinary shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of new ordinary shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 6 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meetings. He then proceeded to Agenda 8.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Agenda 8 is also a Special Business relating to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the said proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2022.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the Share Buy-back Statement that the said proposal is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman informed the meeting that voting on Resolution 7 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 46th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 9.
The Chairman highlighted that the last agenda for the 46th AGM is another Special Business to consider and if thought fit to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the issuance of new ordinary shares in the Company arising from the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Ordinary Resolution 8, if passed, gives authority to the Company Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan in respect of dividends declared after today’s 46th AGM, and such authority shall expire at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
The Chairman again informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution 9 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session.
Upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not receive any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at the 46th AGM, the Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session.
At this juncture, the Chairman reminded Members to cast their votes as the voting session will be closed soon after the Question & Answer session.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed the Members that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the 46th AGM and further informed that:-
The responses to the live Q&As are also set out in “Appendix C” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 11.14 a.m.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote voting session will be closed in another 10 minutes and Members who have yet to cast their votes were advised to do so immediately.
At 11.14 a.m., the Chairman then declared the 46th AGM adjourned for the voting session and shall remain adjourned for the Poll Administrator to count the votes and thereafter, for the scrutineers to validate the poll results.
The Chairman informed that the 46th AGM shall resume in approximately 30 minutes from 11.14 a.m.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on the casting of votes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were replayed on screen.
The Chairman then called the 46th AGM to order at 11.44 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Resolutions 1 to 8.
The poll results were displayed on screen for the Members’ information as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 July 2022 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 672 | 52 |
No. of Shares | 1,822,310,481 | 55,436 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.997 | 0.003 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-six (RM786,426/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2022, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM395,000/- for the period from 9 December 2022 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2023 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 668 | 57 |
No. of Shares | 1,819,832,277 | 2,534,640 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8609 | 0.1391 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM395,000/-) only payable for the period from 9 December 2022 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2023 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer himself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 575 | 119 |
No. of Shares | 1,516,831,994 | 80,398,025 |
% of Voted Shares | 94.9664 | 5.0336 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, a Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 4 | ||
Description | To re-elect Ms. Millie Chan Wai Yen who is retiring in accordance with Clause 111 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 686 | 41 |
No. of Shares | 1,816,941,774 | 5,429,145 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.7021 | 0.2979 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ms. Millie Chan Wai Yen, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 111 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 5 | ||
Description | To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT, the retiring Auditors and to authorise the Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 682 | 45 |
No. of Shares | 1,766,392,213 | 55,288,906 |
% of Voted Shares | 96.9650 | 3.0350 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ernst & Young PLT, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Ordinary Resolution 6 | ||
Description | To authorise the issuance of up to 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 638 | 89 |
No. of Shares | 1,246,503,196 | 575,867,723 |
% of Voted Shares | 68.4001 | 31.5999 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company (excluding treasury shares) (“New Shares”) for the time being (“Authority”) AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the New Shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad [Co. Regn. No. 200301033577 (635998-W)] (“Bursa Securities”) AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
THAT pursuant to Section 85 of the Companies Act 2016 read together with Clause 62 of the Constitution of the Company, the shareholders of the Company do hereby waive their statutory pre-emptive rights over all New Shares issued under the Authority.”
Ordinary Resolution 7 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 652 | 71 |
No. of Shares | 1,381,572,726 | 440,776,672 |
% of Voted Shares | 75.8127 | 24.1873 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that:
AND THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and enter into all such transactions, agreements and arrangements, and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) as the Director may in their absolute discretion deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until: –
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities or any other relevant authorities.”
Ordinary Resolution 8 | ||
Description | To authorise the issuance of new Ordinary Shares in the Company (“New Gamuda Shares”) pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan that provides shareholders of the Company with an option to elect to reinvest their cash dividends into New Gamuda Shares (“Dividend Reinvestment Plan”) | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 675 | 53 |
No. of Shares | 1,820,294,306 | 2,147,334 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8822 | 0.1178 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2019, and subject to the approvals of all relevant regulatory authorities or parties being obtained, where required, approval be and is hereby given for the Company to allot and issue such number of New Gamuda Shares from time to time as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may, at its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares shall be fixed by the Directors of the Company at not more than ten percent (10%) discount to the adjusted 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAMP”) of the existing ordinary shares of Gamuda immediately prior to the price-fixing date, of which the VWAMP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fixing the issue price of the New Gamuda Shares AND THAT such authority to allot and issue New Gamuda Shares shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company;
AND THAT the Directors and the Secretaries of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements and agreements and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents and impose such terms and conditions as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) including suspension and termination of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results projected on the screen as verified and confirmed by the Scrutineers, the Chairman declared Resolutions 1 to 8 tabled at the 46th AGM duly carried.
A copy of the poll results prepared by Tricor is enclosed herewith as “Appendix D” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board, the Chairman thanked the Members for their virtual participation at the 46th AGM and continuous support.
Before declaring the closing of the 46th AGM, the Chairman placed on records that it has been his honour to have served as the Independent Chairman of Gamuda for the past nine years during which time the Company has always conducted its business in a sustainable manner. He added that sustainability has always been part of the Company’s DNA in pursuing development, balancing economic and social growth with protecting the environment. He further added that under the esteemed leadership of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling coupled with the excellent execution by the management team, Gamuda has achieved its ambition of becoming an established regional construction and property player.
The Chairman also extended his gratitude to his fellow Board members for their support in fostering a good partnership between the Board and the management team in carrying out the Board’s supervisory role. He also extended his thanks to the Company shareholders for their support on the various corporate exercises undertaken by the Company. He expressed his confidence that with its recent success in its overseas ventures, Gamuda would achieve further success and he wished Gamuda every success.
On behalf of the Board and the Company, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling put on records the Company’s appreciation and thanks for the services rendered to the Company by the Chairman. He commented that the Company has greatly benefitted from the Chairman’s invaluable leadership and contribution, in particular many pointers raised over the years which were relevant to the Company’s growth.
The Chairman then declared the 46th AGM duly closed at 11.45 a.m.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Chan Wai Yen, Millie
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan Mohd Yusof (“Danny Rashdan”)
Deputy Group Managing Director / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Mr. Justin Chin Jing Ho
Managing Director, Gamuda Engineering / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai
Two hundred and sixty-eight (268) shareholders, Forty-three proxies (including Chairman and Secretary) and one (1) Corporate Representative, holding 2,030,832,439 ordinary shares representing 79.49%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Chu Wai Lune
Chief Operations Officer, Gamuda Land
Ms. Low Chee Yen
Head of Gamuda Capital
Mr. Ooi Jun Yan
Representative from Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad
Mr. Ku Mun Fong
Representative from TA Securities Holdings Berhad
Mr. Tan Kong Yam
Representative from Messrs Kadir Andri & Partners
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company chaired the EGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders and the proxy holders of the Company (collectively “Members”) for attending the EGM which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. Regn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
The fully virtual EGM using RPV is following:
and is in line with Practice 13.0 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the EGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Notice convening the EGM together with the Circular to Shareholders dated 12 July 2022 (“Circular to Shareholders”) in relation to the following, was taken as read:
Part A:
Proposed Disposal of All the Securities of:
(collectively referred to as the “Proposed Disposals” and each as the “Proposed Disposal”);
Part B:
Independent Advice Letter from TA Securities Holdings Berhad to the shareholders of Gamuda in relation to the following proposals:
(as defined in the Circular to Shareholders).
The Chairman informed the Members that:
For the benefit of Members, the Chairman invited the Poll Administrator to brief on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
The Chairman informed the Members that the representatives from the following advisers will be giving their presentations which purports to give shareholders a better understanding of the Proposed Disposals:
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. Ooi Jun Yan, the representative from HLIB, presented the Proposed Disposals. Following thereafter, Mr. Ku Mun Fong, the representative from TA Securities presented the following proposals:
After the two presentations, the Members noted the Company reply to the questions received from the Members before the EGM.
The Chairman thanked both Mr. Ooi Jun Yan and Mr. Ku Mun Fong for their presentations and proceeded to the agenda for the EGM. He highlighted that there were three items on the agenda for the EGM, all of which were Ordinary Resolutions.
The Chairman informed that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. He added that questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement of the closure of the Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions will be published on the corporate website of the Company as soon as practicable, after the EGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to the first agenda of the EGM.
The Chairman proceeded to the agenda for the EGM which is to consider and if thought fit, to pass the three Ordinary Resolutions on the Proposed Disposals of:
For clarity, the Chairman informed that the Proposed Disposals of SPRINT was only in respect of Gamuda’s 30% direct interest in SPRINT Holdings. He further informed the shareholders as follows:
Premised thereof, the Chairman highlighted that the Board has recommended that Members vote in favour of the three Ordinary Resolutions pertaining to the Proposed Disposals of KESAS, SPRINT and SMART.
The Chairman informed that voting on the three Ordinary Resolutions shall be voted on singly or individually as Ordinary Resolutions 1, 2 and 3 and conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the EGM.
The Chairman informed that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the EGM and further informed that questions relating to door gifts/e-vouchers will not be addressed as they do not relate to the business of the EGM.
As there were no further questions, the Chairman declared the Q&A session closed at 11.10 a.m.
The responses to the pre-submitted and live Q&As are set out in “Appendix A” herein.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote voting session will be closed in 10 minutes and Members who have yet to cast their votes were advised to do so.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on casting of votes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were replayed on screen.
After 10 minutes at 11.20 a.m., the Chairman declared the voting session for the EGM closed. He then adjourned the EGM for approximately 20 minutes for the poll count by the Poll Administrator and poll validation by the Scrutineers, respectively.
The Chairman then called the EGM to order at 11.40 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Ordinary Resolutions 1 to 3.
The Chairman informed the Members that he has received the poll results duly verified by the Scrutineers and directed for the poll results to be displayed on screen for the Members’ information: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Disposal by Kesas Holdings Berhad (“Kesas Holdings”) of all the Securities in Kesas Sdn Bhd (“Kesas”) to Amanat Lebuhraya Rakyat Berhad (“ALR”), subject to the Terms and Conditions contained in the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement between Kesas Holdings and ALR, in respect of Gamuda’s 70.0% Direct Interest in Kesas Holdings (“Proposed Disposal of Kesas”) | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Members | 653 | 49 |
No. of Shares | 2,030,554,598 | 28,303 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9986 | 0.0014 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the fulfilment of all conditions precedent under the conditional letter of offer from ALR dated 2 April 2022, the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to procure Kesas Holdings to enter into and execute the final form of the conditional share sale and purchase agreement between Kesas Holdings and ALR (“Kesas Finalised SSPA”) with full powers to assent to any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the Kesas Finalised SSPA prior to the execution thereof.
THAT subject to the execution of the Kesas Finalised SSPA with any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments as authorised above (“Kesas Executed SSPA”) and subject to all approvals being obtained from the relevant authorities and parties (where applicable), approval be and is hereby given for Kesas Holdings to dispose 5,000,000 ordinary shares in Kesas, representing 100% of the issued share capital of Kesas for a disposal consideration of RM1,285 million to be fully satisfied in cash which is based on the enterprise value of Kesas of RM1,240 million as at 31 December 2021, upon such terms and conditions contained in the Kesas Executed SSPA.
AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to assent to any further modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the Kesas Executed SSPA, as may be required or permitted by the relevant authorities or as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient and to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to implement and give full effect to the Proposed Disposal of Kesas.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Disposal by Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Holdings Sdn Bhd (“SPRINT Holdings”) of all the Securities in Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Sdn Bhd (“SPRINT”) to Amanat Lebuhraya Rakyat Berhad (“ALR”), subject to the Terms and Conditions contained in the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement between SPRINT Holdings and ALR, in respect of Gamuda’s 30.0% Direct Interest in Sprint Holdings (“Proposed Disposal of SPRINT”) | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Members | 654 | 48 |
No. of Shares | 2,030,554,698 | 28,203 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9986 | 0.0014 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the fulfilment of all conditions precedent under the conditional letter of offer from ALR dated 2 April 2022, the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to procure SPRINT Holdings to enter into and execute the final form of the conditional share sale and purchase agreement between SPRINT Holdings and ALR (“SPRINT Finalised SSPA”) with full powers to assent to any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the SPRINT Finalised SSPA prior to the execution thereof.
THAT subject to the execution of the SPRINT Finalised SSPA with any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments as authorised above (“SPRINT Executed SSPA”) and subject to all approvals being obtained from the relevant authorities and parties (where applicable), approval be and is hereby given for SPRINT Holdings to dispose 50,000,000 ordinary shares in SPRINT, representing 100% of the issued share capital of SPRINT for a disposal consideration of RM904 million to be fully satisfied in cash which is based on the enterprise value of SPRINT of RM1,808 million as at 31 December 2021, upon such terms and conditions contained in the SPRINT Executed SSPA.
AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to assent to any further modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the SPRINT Executed SSPA, as may be required or permitted by the relevant authorities or as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient and to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to implement and give full effect to the Proposed Disposal of SPRINT.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Disposal By Projek Smart Holdings Sdn Bhd (“SMART Holdings”) of all the Securities in Syarikat Mengurus Air Banjir & Terowong Sdn Bhd (“SMART”) to Amanat Lebuhraya Rakyat Berhad (“ALR”), subject to the Terms and Conditions contained in the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement between SMART Holdings and ALR, in respect of Gamuda’s 50.0% Direct Interest in SMART Holdings (“Proposed Disposal of SMART”) | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Members | 657 | 45 |
No. of Shares | 2,030,559,598 | 23,303 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9989 | 0.0011 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the fulfilment of all conditions precedent under the conditional letter of offer from ALR dated 2 April 2022, the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to procure SMART Holdings to enter into and execute the final form of the conditional share sale and purchase agreement between SMART Holdings and ALR (“SMART Finalised SSPA”) with full powers to assent to any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the SMART Finalised SSPA prior to the execution thereof.
THAT subject to the execution of the SMART Finalised SSPA with any modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments as authorised above (“SMART Executed SSPA”) and subject to all approvals being obtained from the relevant authorities and parties (where applicable), approval be and is hereby given for SMART Holdings to dispose 20,000,000 ordinary shares in SMART, representing 100% of the issued share capital of SMART and 3,030,000 redeemable preference shares in SMART, representing 100% of the redeemable preference shares of SMART for a disposal consideration of RM1.00 to be fully satisfied in cash based on the enterprise value of SMART of RM313 million as at 31 December 2021, upon such terms and conditions contained in the SMART Executed SSPA.
AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised and empowered to assent to any further modifications, conditions, variations and/or amendments to the SMART Executed SSPA, as may be required or permitted by the relevant authorities or as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient and to take all such steps and do all such acts, matters and things, as they may deem fit, necessary and/or expedient to implement and give full effect to the Proposed Disposal of SMART.”
Based on the poll results as projected on screen, the Chairman declared all Ordinary Resolutions 1 to 3 tabled at the EGM duly carried.
A copy of the poll results prepared by Tricor are enclosed herewith as “Appendix B” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanked the Members for their attendance at the EGM and declared the EGM duly closed at 11.45 a.m.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan Mohd Yusof (“Danny Rashdan”)
Deputy Group Managing Director / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Mr. Justin Chin Jing Ho
Managing Director, Gamuda Engineering / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai
Three hundred and sixty (360) shareholders, Thirty-five (35) Proxies (including Chairman and
Secretary) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,686,821,863 ordinary shares representing 67.08%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Group Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Ngan Chee Meng
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Shernice Heng Xin Yi
Representatives from Ernst & Young PLT
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Director, Legal & Company Secretarial
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the 45th AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders and the proxies of the Company (collectively “Members”) for attending the 45th AGM of the Company which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. Regn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
In support of the Government of Malaysia’s ongoing efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and as part of the Group’s safety measures, the Chairman informed that the 45th AGM is conducted virtually for the safety of all who are participating or involved in today’s 45th AGM. He added that the fully virtual AGM using RPV facilities is in compliance with:
as well as in line with Practice 12.3 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 45th AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members that participation at the 45th AGM is restricted to the Members and authorised corporate representatives As such, audio or visual recording of the 45th AGM is impermissible since the proceedings of the 45th AGM is confidential. As the 45th AGM is conducted fully virtual, the Chairman added that as a contingency should his internet connection become unstable, Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena will take over the chair of the 45th AGM.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 45th AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Annual Report 2021 together with the Notice convening the 45th AGM and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2021 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board, Group Key Senior Management and the Company Secretary as well as the representatives from the external auditors, Ernst & Young PLT who were all in attendance remotely via Zoom video conference at this 45th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that:
The Chairman then invited the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the Members’ information.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Mr. Danny Rashdan presented the following to the Members: –
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Mr Danny Rashdan handed over the meeting back to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Danny Rashdan for his presentation. He highlighted that there are eight items on the agenda for today’s 45th AGM, five of which are Ordinary Businesses while three are Special Businesses.
The Chairman informed that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. Questions can be submitted any time from now till the announcement on the closure of Q&A session. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions, MSWG questions and the pre-submitted questions will be published on the Company’s website as soon as practicable, after the 45th AGM.
The Chairman then proceeded to the first agenda of the 45th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 45th AGM was to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors were only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Seven Hundred and Ninety-five Thousand (RM795,500/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2021.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
Before proceeding to Agenda 3, the Chairman informed that voting on Resolution 1 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 45th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM380,000/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 9 December 2021 until the next AGM in 2022.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration has been provided on pages 359 and 360 of the Notice of AGM in the Annual Report 2021.
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this 45th AGM, Members’ approval shall be sought at the next AGM in 2022.
The Chairman informed that voting on Resolution 2 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 45th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 4.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to the re-election of the following Company Directors who being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company, namely: –
The profiles of the aforesaid two Directors were set out on pages 42 and 46 of the Annual Report 2021.
The Chairman informed that Yang Mulia Tunku Afwida Tunku A.Malek will be retiring as an Independent Director of the Company at the conclusion of the 45th AGM in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company. In view that she has completed her 9-year term with the Company, she has expressed her intention not to seek re-election and hence, will retire at the conclusion of the 45th AGM.
The Chairman, on behalf of the Board, put on records the Board’s and the Company’s sincere appreciation and thanks for the past services rendered to the Company by Yang Mulia Tunku Afwida.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessments and has endorsed the recommendation of the Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors were eligible to stand for re-election.
The Chairman informed that voting on Resolutions 3 and 4 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meeting. He then proceeded to Agenda 5.
The Chairman moved on to Agenda 5 on the re-appointment of Ernst & Young PLT (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed the Members as follows:
The Chairman informed that voting on Resolution 5 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 45th AGM and proceeded to Agenda 6.
The Chairman informed that the next Agenda is a Special Business empowering Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be any decision to issue new ordinary shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of new ordinary shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman informed that voting on Resolution 6 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of today’s meetings. He then proceeded to Agenda 7.
The Chairman informed that the Agenda 7 is also a Special Business relating to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the said proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2021.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the Share Buy-back Statement that the said proposal is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman informed that voting on Resolution 7 shall be conducted by poll upon the completion of the remaining businesses of the 45th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 8.
The Chairman highlighted that the last agenda for the 45th AGM is another Special Business to consider and if thought fit to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the issuance of new ordinary shares in the Company arising from the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
The Chairman informed that Ordinary Resolution 8, if passed, gives authority to the Company Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan in respect of dividends declared after today’s 45th AGM, and such authority shall expire at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
The Chairman again informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution 9 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session.
Upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not receive any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at the 45th AGM, the Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during the 45th AGM and further informed that:-
The responses to the live Q&As are also set out in “Appendix C” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 11.22 a.m.
The Chairman reminded Members again that the online remote voting session will be closed in 10 minutes and Members who have yet to cast their votes are advised to do so now.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide Members on the casting of votes via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were replayed on screen.
After 10 minutes at 11.32 a.m., the Chairman declared the voting session for the 45th AGM closed and adjourned the 45th AGM for approximately 20 minutes for the poll count by the Poll Administrator and poll validation by the Scrutineers, respectively.
The Chairman then called the 45th AGM to order at 11.52 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Resolutions 1 to 8.
The poll results were displayed on screen for the Members’ information as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 July 2021 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 586 | 66 |
No. of Shares | 1,587,080,756 | 223,932 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9859 | 0.0141 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred and Ninety-five Thousand (RM795,000/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2021, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/- for the period from 9 December 2021 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2022 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 575 | 76 |
No. of Shares | 1,587,020,316 | 243,706 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9846 | 0.0154 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM380,000/-) only payable for the period from 9 December 2021 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2022 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer himself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 573 | 74 |
No. of Shares | 1,645,760,350 | 12,641,264 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.2377 | 0.7623 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir Ha Tiing Tai, a Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 4 | ||
Description | To re-elect Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 596 | 58 |
No. of Shares | 1,682,348,150 | 3,522,089 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.7911 | 0.2089 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 5 | ||
Description | To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT, the retiring Auditors and to authorise the Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 597 | 57 |
No. of Shares | 1,680,567,611 | 5,304,612 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.6853 | 0.3147 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ernst & Young PLT, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Ordinary Resolution 6 | ||
Description | To authorise the issuance of up to 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 553 | 102 |
No. of Shares | 1,118,842,046 | 567,689,977 |
% of Voted Shares | 66.3398 | 33.6602 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad [Company Registration No. 200301033577 (635998-W)] (“Bursa Securities”) AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 7 | ||
Description | To approve the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 584 | 71 |
No. of Shares | 1,230,602,881 | 455,904,304 |
% of Voted Shares | 72.9675 | 27.0325 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that:
AND THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and enter into all such transactions, agreements and arrangements, and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) as the Director may in their absolute discretion deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until: –
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities or any other relevant authorities.”
Ordinary Resolution 8 | ||
Description | To authorise the Issuance of New Shares in the Company pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 597 | 60 |
No. of Shares | 1,686,185,960 | 356,079 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9789 | 0.0211 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2019, and subject to the approvals of all relevant regulatory authorities or parties being obtained, where required, approval be and is hereby given for the Company to allot and issue such number of new Gamuda Shares from time to time as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may, at its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the said new Gamuda Shares shall be fixed by the Directors of the Company at not more than ten percent (10%) discount to the adjusted 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAMP”) of the Gamuda Shares immediately prior to the price-fixing date, of which the VWAMP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fixing the issue price of the said new Gamuda Shares AND THAT such authority to allot and issue new Gamuda Shares shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company;
AND THAT the Directors and the Secretaries of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements and agreements and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents and impose such terms and conditions as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) including suspension and termination of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results projected on the screen by Tricor, the Chairman declared all Resolutions 1 to 8 tabled at the 45th AGM duly carried.
A copy of the poll results prepared by Tricor is enclosed herewith as “Appendix D” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board, the Chairman thanked the Members for their virtual participation at the 45th AGM and continuous support.
The Chairman reminded Members that an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) has been scheduled immediately after the 45th AGM and will commenced in another 10 minutes. Members who have registered for remote participation at the EGM were advised to join the corporate event, Live Streaming Meeting – Gamuda EGM.
The Chairman then declared the 45th AGM duly closed at 12.05 p.m.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
(participated via Zoom)
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
(participated via Zoom)
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan Mohd Yusof (“Danny Rashdan”)
Deputy Group Managing Director / Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin
Two Hundred and Thirty four (234) Members, Eleven (11) Proxies (including Chairman) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,794,398,371 Ordinary Shares representing 71.37%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Chief Financial Officer
(participated via Zoom)
Mr. Ngan Chee Meng
Chief Executive Officer, Gamuda Land
(participated via Zoom)
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
(participated via Zoom)
Ms. Shernice Heng Xin Yi
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
(participated via Zoom)
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) chaired the 44th AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 80 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders of the Company and the proxies (collectively “Members”) for attending the 44th AGM of the Company which is held fully virtual through live streaming and online remote voting via the Remote Participation and Voting facilities (“RPV”) provided by Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn. Bhd. [Co. REgn. No. 197101000970 (11324-H)] (“Tricor”) which are available on its TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online.
In support of the Government of Malaysia’s ongoing efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and as part of the Group’s safety measures, the Chairman informed that this virtual meeting is necessary for the safety of all who are participating or involved in today’s 44th AGM. He added that the fully virtual AGM using RPV is in compliance with:
as well as in line with Practice 12.3 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 44th AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members that participation at the 44th AGM is restricted to the Company’s Members and authorised corporate representatives. As such, audio or visual recording of the 44th AGM is impermissible since the proceedings of the 44th AGM is confidential.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 75 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 44th AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Annual Report 2020 together with the Notice convening the 44th AGM and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2020 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board and Group Key Senior Management as well as the Company Secretary who were all in attendance at the Broadcast venue and who joined remotely via Zoom video conference.
The Chairman informed the Members that
The Chairman then invited the Poll Administrator to brief the participants on the online remote voting process. The video recording on the online remote poll voting procedures was then played for the viewing of the members.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Mr. Danny Rashdan presented the following to the Members: –
The Chairman informed that the Board will endeavour to respond to all live questions received via the Query Box. If there is time constraint, the responses to these live questions, MSWG questions and the pre-submitted questions will be published on the Company’s website as soon as practicable, after today’s 44th AGM.
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Mr Danny Rashdan handed over the meeting to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Danny Rashdan for his presentation. He highlighted that there are eight items on the agenda for today’s 44th AGM, five of which are Ordinary Businesses while three are special Businesses. He then proceeded to the first agenda of the 44th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 44th AGM was to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors were only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand and Five Hundred (RM715,500/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2020.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
Before proceeding to Agenda 3, the Chairman reiterated that online remote voting session has commenced at 10.00 a.m. and Members can opt to cast their votes for Resolution 1 now or upon completion of the remaining businesses of today’s 44th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM350,000/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 9 December 2020 until the next AGM in 2021.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration has been provided on pages 365 and 366 of the Notice of AGM in the Annual Report 2020.
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this 44th AGM, shareholders’ approval will be sought at the next AGM in 2021.
The Chairman reiterated that online remote voting session has commenced at 10.00 a.m. and Members can opt to cast their votes for Resolution 2 now or upon completion of the remaining businesses of today’s 44th AGM. He then proceeded to Agenda 4.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to his re-election (Resolution 3) and the following Company Directors who being eligible for re-election, have offered ourselves for re-election pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company, namely: –
His profiles and the profiles of the aforesaid two Directors are set out on pages 44, 47 and 48 of the Annual Report 2020.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessments and has endorsed the recommendation of the Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors are eligible to stand for re-election.
Before proceeding to the next agenda, the Chairman informed that Members can opt to cast their votes for Resolutions 3, 4 and 5 now or upon completion of the remaining businesses of today’s 44th AGM.
The Chairman informed that Agenda 5 relates to the re-appointment of Ernst & Young PLT (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed the Members as follows:
The Chairman informed that online remote voting on Resolution 6 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session and proceeded to the next agenda which is a Special Business.
The Chairman informed that the next Agenda is a Special Business to empower the Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be any decision to issue new shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman informed that online remote voting on Ordinary Resolution 7 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session and proceeded to the next agenda 7 which is a Special Business.
The Chairman informed that the next agenda is also a Special Business relating to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the said proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2020.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the Share Buy-back Statement that the said proposal is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman further informed that online remote voting for Ordinary Resolution 8 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session and proceeded to the last agenda for today’s 44th AGM.
The Chairman highlighted that the last agenda for today’s 44th AGM is another Special Business to consider and if thought fit to pass the Ordinary Resolution on the issuance of new ordinary shares in the Company arising from the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
The Chairman informed that Ordinary Resolution 9, if passed, gives authority to the Company Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan in respect of dividends declared after today’s 44th AGM, and such authority shall expire at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.
The Chairman again informed that online remote voting on this Ordinary Resolution 9 is open until the announcement of the completion of the voting session.
Upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not received any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at this 44th AGM, the Chairman then proceeded with the Question & Answer session.
As highlighted earlier, the Chairman informed that the Board endeavours to answer as many questions received during today’s 44th AGM and further informed that:-
The live Q&As are set out in “Appendix C” herein.
The Chairman then declared the Q&A session closed at 11.30 a.m.
The Chairman reminded Members that the online remote voting session will be closed in 10 minutes and Members who have yet to cast their votes are advised to do so now.
Meanwhile, the tutorial video to guide shareholders on how to cast their vote via Tricor’s online remote voting prepared by Tricor were played again on screen.
After 10 minutes at 11.40 a.m., the Chairman declared the voting session for the 44th AGM closed and adjourned the 44th AGM for another 15 minutes for the poll count and poll validation by the Poll Administrator and the Scrutineers, respectively.
The Chairman then called the 44th AGM to order at 11.55 a.m. for declaration of the poll results for Resolutions 1 to 9.
The poll results were displayed on screen for the Members’ information as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 July 2020 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 675 | 26 |
No. of Shares | 1,692,587,308 | 146,093 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9914 | 0.0086 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand and Five Hundred (RM715,500/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2019, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 2 | ||
Description | To approve the payment of Directors’ remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM350,000/- for the period from 9 December 2020 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2021 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 672 | 28 |
No. of Shares | 1,692,580,308 | 148,093 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9913 | 0.0087 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM350,000/-) only payable for the period from 9 December 2020 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2021 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Ordinary Resolution 3 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed bin Hussein who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer himself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 569 | 122 |
No. of Shares | 1,256,078,610 | 93,602,991 |
% of Voted Shares | 93.0648 | 6.9352 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed bin Hussein, a Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 4 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer herself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 582 | 109 |
No. of Shares | 1,191,562,362 | 57,462,622 |
% of Voted Shares | 95.3994 | 4.6006 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 5 | ||
Description | To re-elect Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang who is retiring by rotation in accordance with Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and, who being eligible, offer himself for re-election | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 678 | 29 |
No. of Shares | 1,789,630,431 | 4,632,753 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.7418 | 0.2582 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang, the Director retiring pursuant to Clause 105 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 6 | ||
Description | To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT, the retiring Auditors and to authorise the Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration. | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 639 | 67 |
No. of Shares | 1,766,628,556 | 26,981,728 |
% of Voted Shares | 98.4957 | 1.5043 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Ernst & Young PLT, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Ordinary Resolution 7 | ||
Description | Authority to issue Shares pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 648 | 55 |
No. of Shares | 1,275,265,084 | 492,000,100 |
% of Voted Shares | 72.1604 | 27.8396 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad [Company Registration No. 200301033577 (635998-W)] (“Bursa Securities”) AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company.”
Ordinary Resolution 8 | ||
Description | Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 664 | 40 |
No. of Shares | 1,344,302,662 | 448,613,584 |
% of Voted Shares | 74.9786 | 25.0214 |
Result | Accepted |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that:-
AND THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and enter into all such transactions, agreements and arrangements, and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments (if any) as the Director may in their absolute discretion deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until: –
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities or any other relevant authorities.”
Ordinary Resolution 9 | ||
Description | Issuance of New Shares in the Company pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan that provides Shareholders of the Company with an Option to Elect to Reinvest their Cash Dividends into New Gamuda Shares | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 684 | 21 |
No. of Shares | 1,794,065,646 | 202,538 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9887 | 0.0113 |
Result | Accepted |
“THAT pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 December 2019, and subject to the approvals of all relevant regulatory authorities or parties being obtained, where required, approval be and is hereby given for the Company to allot and issue such number of new Gamuda Shares from time to time as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors of the Company may, at its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the said new Gamuda Shares shall be fiXed by the Directors of the Company at not more than ten percent (10°/o) discount to the adjusted five (5)-day volume weighted average market price (”VW AMP”) of the Gamuda Shares immediately prior to the price-fiXing date, of which the VWAMP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fiXing the issue price of the said new Gamuda Shares AND THAT such authority to allot and issue new Gamuda Shares shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company;
AND THAT the Directors and the Secretaries of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements and agreements and to execute, sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company, all such documents and impose such terms and conditions as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/ or amendments (if any) including suspension and termination of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company and/ or as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results as projected on the screen, the Chairman declared all Resolutions 1 to 9 tabled at the 44th AGM carried.
A copy of the above poll results prepared by Tricor are enclosed herewith as “Appendix D” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanked the Members for their attendance at the 44th AGM and declared the 44th AGM duly closed at 12.00 noon.
The first virtual 44th Annual General Meeting was hosted via conferencing. Key announcements made by Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Group Managing Director:
We are targeting RM10 billion of new order book in 2021, deriving from Australia and Penang projects.
Gamuda Australia is shortlisted to tender for two megaprojects: M6 Stage 1 Highway and Sydney Metro West. For Sydney Metro West the tunnelling works consist of two packages, the Central Tunnelling Package and the Western Tunnelling Package, bringing the total tenders we are bidding to three.
Penang South Islands (PSI) project is a key strategic initiative in line with Penang2030 vision.
MRT3 [Circle Line] is shovel-ready.
Total outstanding confirmed order book stands at RM7 billion with MRT Putrajaya Line (RM4.6 billion), Pan Borneo Highway (RM0.3 billion), projects in Taiwan (RM1 billion) and others (RM1.1 billion).
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi bin Mat Nor
Executive Director
Mr. Saw Wah Theng
Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
One Hundred and Ninety Four (194) Members
One Hundred and Six (106) Proxies (including Chairman) and
One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,300,820,554 Ordinary Shares representing 56.97%
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah
Executive Director
Mr. Chow Chee Wah
Managing Director, Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd
Mr. Terence Tan
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Mr. Lim Eng Hoe
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company chaired the 40th AGM of the Company pursuant to Article 72 of the Articles of Association of the Company.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Article 70 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the Chairman declared the 40th AGM duly convened at 10.03 a.m.
The Notice convening the 40th AGM together with the CD-Rom containing the Annual Report 2016 and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2016 were taken as read.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the members of the Company (“Members”) and the proxies for attending the 40th AGM of the Company.
Before beginning the proceedings, the Chairman reminded the Members to observe the following house rules: –
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board as well as the Company Secretary who were in attendance.
The Chairman took the opportunity to welcome Puan Nazli Binti Mohd Khir Johari who came on Board on 7 March 2016.
The Chairman informed the Members that all resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 9 November 2016 would be put to vote by poll, as stated in Note 2(g) of the said Notice pursuat to the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
The Chairman further informed the Members that the Company had appointed Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd (“Tricor”) as the Poll Administrator to conduct the electronic poll voting whilst Coopers Professional Scruitneers Sdn Bhd (“Scrutineers”) is the Independent Scruitness appointed to verify the poll vote results. He added that the poll voting using electronic devices for all resolutions will be conducted upon completion of the deliberation of all items to be transacted at the 40 th AGM
Upong the invitation of the Chairman, the Finance Director, Mr. Saw Wah Theng presented the Operations Review and Business Outlook if the Group for the financial year under review and his briefing covered the following:-
Mr. Saw also presented the responses of the Company to the questions raised by the Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group (“MSWG”) vide thier letter date 1 December 2016 (copy enclosed as “Appendix I”).
Upon completion of the Company Resentation, Mr. Saw handed over the meeting to the Chairman
The Chairman thanked Mr. Saw for the presentation and proceeded to the first agenda for the 40 th AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 41st AGM is to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors are only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
Since all questions by shareholders have been raised earlier after the Company presentation, the Audited Financial Statements were duly received by the shareholders of the Company.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolutio 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to RM550,000/- only for the financial year ended 31 July 2017.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
There being no questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 1 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,558,232,534 | 99.9971 | 44.801 | 0.0029 | 3,770,100 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to RM550,000/- only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2017, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and approved by the shareholders under Resolutio 2.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016 which came into effect on 31 January 2017, the fees of the Directors, and any benefits payable to the Directors of a listed company and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by the shareholders at a general meeting.
Accordingly, Resolutio 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM386,819/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 31 January 2017 until the next AGM in 2018.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows:
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this AGM, shareholders’ approval will be sought at the next AGM in 2018.
At this juncture, the Meeting took note of Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui’s, a sharehulder of the Company comment that the Company should consider displaying the breakdown of the Directors’ benefits on the screen for clarity as well as for the benefit of the shareholders at the next AGM.
There being no further questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 2 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 2 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,558,187,734 | 99.9961 | 61.401 | 0.0039 | 3,768,000 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ benefits (excluding Directors’ fees) up to an amount of RM386,819/-) only paid/payable for the period from 31 January 2017 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2018, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to the re-election of the fullowing Company Directors who were retiring in accordance with Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and they, being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election, namely: –
The profiles of the aforesaid Directors have been provided to the Members on pages 10, 14, and 15 of the Annual Report 2017.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessment on the aforesaid Directors standing for re-election. In this respect, the Board has approved the recommendation of its Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors are eligible to stand for re-election.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Group Managing Director, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling took to the Chair for the purpose of tabling Resolutio 3 to the shareholders of the Company since Resolutio 3 relates to the re-election of the Chairman, who retires by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Company’s Constitution and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election.
There being no questions, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin put Resolutio 3 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 3 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,514,696,904 | 97.2054 | 43,546,329 | 2.7946 | 3,756,800 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
The Chairman thanked Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin and the shareholders on his re-election and proceeded to table Resolutio 4 on the re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi Bin Mat Nor as a Director of the Company to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman conveyed Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi’s apulogy for not being able to attend this AGM due to a prior overseas business commitment that he was unable to change.
The Meeting noted Mr. Wong Kim Wing’s (the corporate representative of MSWG) comment that it is the pulicy of MSWG to vote against any Resolutio on Director’s re-election where the Director seeking for re-election is not present at the AGM.
There being no further questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 4 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 4 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,521,954,286 | 97.6715 | 36,283,259 | 2.3285 | 3,796,300 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg Dato’ Haji Azmi Bin Haji Mat Nor, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
At this juncture, Mr. Ng Chee Heng (a proxy hulder) enquired on the reliability of the electronic live pull voting using wireless handheld e-voting device in particular the abstain vote function. He further expressed his dissatisfaction on the said system used by Insurban.
The Meeting noted the clarifications given by Ms. Leou Zia Zia from Insurban in respect of an abstention, as follows: –
The Chairman assured the Meeting that they will seriously review the pull voting services provided by Insurban for the Company’s next AGM.
Notwithstanding that the abstained vote is not required to be displayed, the Chairman informed that the Company will request the Pull Administrator to display the abstained vote at the next AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolutio 5 on the re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah as a Director of the Company to the Members for their consideration and approval.
There being no questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 5 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 5 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,522,228,386 | 97.6904 | 35,989,247 | 2.3096 | 3,770,800 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
The Chairman informed that Agenda 5 relates to the re-appointment of Messrs. Ernst & Young (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed that EY had expressed their willingness to continue in office and the Board had endorsed the recommendation by the Audit Committee for EY to be re-appointed as the Auditors of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 6. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 6 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 6 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,526,824,432 | 98.0834 | 29,835,501 | 1.9166 | 5,318,200 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Messrs. Ernst & Young having expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to huld office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
The Chairman proceeded to the next Agenda which is a Special Business to empower the Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be a decision to issue new shares, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and utilisation of proceeds. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 7.
Questions raised by Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui, a sharehulder was responded by the Chairman accordingly and the said respond is append as “Appendix II” of this minutes.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 7to vote and the pull results are as follows:
Ordinary Resolution 7 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,061,265,829 | 72.1308 | 410,042,104 | 27.8692 | 90,679,600 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, the Directors be and are hereby authorised with full powers to allot and issue shares in the Company from time to time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors in their absulute discretion deem fit provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this Resolutio does not exceed 10% of the total number of issued shares for the time being of the Company and that such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued.”
The Chairman informed that the last agenda, which is also a Special Business relates to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2017.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the said Share Buy-back Statement that the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 8.
In response to Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui’s enquiry on the necessity of tabling the Resolutio for the proposed renewal of the share buy-back authority since the Company did not make any purchase of its own ordinary shares during the past financial years, the Chairman informed that the renewal mandate is sought so that the Company has the flexibility to undertake share buy-back as and when the need arises in the interest of the Company.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 8to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 8 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,231,103,133 | 99.9885 | 142,000 | 0.0115 | 171,082,300 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad’s (“Bursa Securities”) Main Market Listing Requirements and the approvals of all relevant government and/or regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company from time to time through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that the aggregate number of shares to be purchased pursuant to this Resolutio does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares for the time being of the Company and an amount not exceeding the retained profits of the Company be and is hereby allocated by the Company for the Proposed Share Buy-back;
THAT at the discretion of the Directors, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled and distributed as dividends or resuld on Bursa Securities;
THAT the Directors be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and things and to enter into and execute all commitments, transactions, deeds, agreements, arrangements, undertakings, indemnities, transfers, assignments and/or guarantees as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, revaluations, variations and/or amendments as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and/or any amendments, variations and/or modifications in the interest of the Company as may be approved by any relevant authorities if such approvals are required;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this Resolutio and shall continue to be in force until:
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of Bursa Securities’ Main Market Listing Requirements or any other relevant authorities.”
A copy of the pull results in relation to all the Resolutios tabled at the AGM prepared by Insurban are enclosed herewith as “Appendix III” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the pull results.
The Chairman upon confirmation with the Company Secretary, informed that the Company did not received any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at this meeting.
There being no other business, the Chairman, on behalf of the Board thanked all present for their attendance at the Meeting and declared the 41st AGM duly closed at 11.58 a.m.
At 11.30 a.m. the Chairman called the meeting to order for the declaration of the poll results. He informed that he had received the poll results from Tricor and the Scrutineers. Based on the poll results which was displayed on screen, the Chairman declared that the Resolutions 1 to 8 were carried, as follows: –
Resolution 1
Payment of Directors’ Fees
Ordinary Resolution 1 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,379,963,181 | 100.0000 | 0 | 0 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Four Hundred And Eighty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty (RM488,750/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2016, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Resolution 2
Re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling as Director
Ordinary Resolution 2 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,300,506,664 | 95.2254 | 65,208,017 | 4.7746 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Article 95 of the Articles of Association of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 3
Re-election of Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah as Director
Ordinary Resolution 3 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,164,841736 | 96.6626 | 40,218,045 | 3.3374 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Article 95 of the Articles of Association of the Company and being eligible, offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 4
Re-election of Y.M. Tunku Afwida Binti Tunku A.Malek as Director
Ordinary Resolution 4 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,372,664,981 | 99.9999 | 900 | 0.0001 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.M. Tunku Afwida Binti Tunku A. Malek, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Article 95 of the Articles of Association of the Company and being eligible, offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 5
Re-election of Puan Nazli Binti Mohd Khir Johari as Director
Ordinary Resolution 5 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,372,664,981 | 99.9999 | 900 | 0.0001 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Puan Nazli Binti Mohd Khir Johari, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Article 101 of the Articles of Association of the Company and being eligible, offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 6
Re-appointment of Messrs Ernst & Young as Company Auditors
Ordinary Resolution 6 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,372,748,181 | 99.8395 | 2,215,000 | 0.1605 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Messrs. Ernst & Young having expressed their willing willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Resolution 7
Authority to Issue Shares Pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965
Ordinary Resolution 7 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,028,646,218 | 82.1356 | 223,729,463 | 17.8644 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965, the Directors be and are hereby authorised with full powers to allot and issue shares in the Company from time to time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors in their absolute discretion deem fit provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed 10% of the issued share capital for the time being of the Company and that such authority shall continue in force until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company and that the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for the listing and quotation for the additional shares so issued.”
Resolution 8
Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority
Ordinary Resolution 8 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,379,863,181 | 99.9928 | 100,000 | 0.0072 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965, the Articles of Association of the Company, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) Main Market Listing Requirements and the approvals of all relevant government and/or regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of RM1.00 each of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company from time to time through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that the aggregate number of shares to be purchased pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total issued and paid-up share capital for the time being of the Company and an amount not exceeding the retained profits and/or share premium of the Company be allocated by the Company for the Proposed Share Buy-back;
THAT at the discretion of the Directors, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares will be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Securities;
THAT the Directors be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and things and to enter into and execute all commitments, transactions, deeds, agreements, arrangements, undertakings, indemnities, transfers, assignments and/or guarantees as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, revaluations, variations and/or amendments as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and/or any amendments, variations and/or modifications in the interest of the Company as may be approved by any relevant authorities if such approvals are required;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue in force until:
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of Bursa Securities’ Main Market Listing Requirements or any other relevant authorities.”
A copy of the above poll results prepared by Tricor are enclosed herewith as “Appendix III” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
The Chairman informed the Members that the Company did not received any notice of any other business to be transacted at this 40th AGM.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanked the Members for their attendance at the Meeting and declared the 40th AGM duly closed at 11.31 a.m.
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah
Executive Director
Mr. Saw Wah Theng
Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Two Hundred and Nine (209) Members
Ninety Eight Proxies (including Chairman) and
One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,558,237,535 Ordinary Shares representing 63.46%,
As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi bin Mat Nor
Executive Director
Mr. Ngan Chee Meng
Chief Operating Officer, Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd
Mr. Terence Tan
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Mr. Lim Eng Hoe
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company chaired the 41st AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 72 of the Constitution of the Company.
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 70 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 41st AGM duly convened at 10.02 a.m.
The Notice convening the 41st AGM together with the CD-Rom containing the Annual Report 2017 and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2017 were taken as read.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the members of the Company (“Members”) and the proxies for attending the 41st AGM of the Company.
Before beginning the proceedings, the Chairman reminded the Members to observe the following house rules: –
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board as well as the Company Secretary who were in attendance.
The Chairman informed the Members that all resulutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 9 November 2017 would be put to vote by pull, as stated in Note 2(g) of the said Notice pursuant to the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
The Chairman further informed the Members that the Company had appointed Insurban Corporate Services Sdn Bhd (“Insurban”) as the Pull Administrator to conduct the electronic live pull voting whilst Leou PLT (“Scrutineers”) is the Independent Scrutineers appointed to verify the pull vote results.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, Ms Leou Zia Zia of Insurban, the Pull Administrator explained the procedures for the conduct of the electronic live pull voting using wireless handheld e-voting device. The said device has been assigned and paired based on the sharehulder’s registration records upon entering the meeting room. However, no voting device would be given to proxies if the sharehulders that they represented have already pre-voted in their proxy forms. For such cases, only a red tag will be given instead of the voting device upon entering the meeting room.
For purposes of helping sharehulders familiarised with the voting device, a mock resulution was also conducted by Insurban.
At this juncture, the Chairman informed that the Company has prepared the two presentations to address the matters raised in the fullowing letters received by the Company: –
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Finance Director, Mr. Saw Wah Theng presented the responses by the Company to the questions raised by the MSWG vide their letter dated 30 November 2017.
MSWG’s questions and the answers from the Company were simultaneously displayed on screen in the meeting hall (copy enclosed as “Appendix 1”).
Thereafter, Mr. Saw proceeded with his presentation on the Operations Review and Business Outlook of the Group for the financial year under review which covered the fullowing: –
Once Mr. Saw has completed his presentation, the Chairman then invited Mr. Ngan Chee Meng, the Chief Operating Officer of Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd to present the update on the Bandar Botanic sewage system.
The salient information of the presentation are as fullows: –
The Chairman thanked Mr. Saw and Mr. Ngan for their presentations and proceeded to invite the Members to raise questions, if any, before commencing with the first agenda for the 41st AGM.
All questions raised were responded by the Chairman, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling and Mr. Saw Wah Theng accordingly. The details of the pertinent questions raised and the Company responses are set out in “Appendix II”,
There being no further questions from the Members of the Company, the Chairman proceeded to the first agenda of the 41st AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 41st AGM is to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors are only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
Since all questions by shareholders have been raised earlier after the Company presentation, the Audited Financial Statements were duly received by the shareholders of the Company.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolutio 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to RM550,000/- only for the financial year ended 31 July 2017.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
There being no questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 1 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 1 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,558,232,534 | 99.9971 | 44.801 | 0.0029 | 3,770,100 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to RM550,000/- only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2017, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and approved by the shareholders under Resolutio 2.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016 which came into effect on 31 January 2017, the fees of the Directors, and any benefits payable to the Directors of a listed company and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by the shareholders at a general meeting.
Accordingly, Resolutio 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM386,819/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 31 January 2017 until the next AGM in 2018.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows:
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this AGM, shareholders’ approval will be sought at the next AGM in 2018.
At this juncture, the Meeting took note of Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui’s, a sharehulder of the Company comment that the Company should consider displaying the breakdown of the Directors’ benefits on the screen for clarity as well as for the benefit of the shareholders at the next AGM.
There being no further questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 2 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 2 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,558,187,734 | 99.9961 | 61.401 | 0.0039 | 3,768,000 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ benefits (excluding Directors’ fees) up to an amount of RM386,819/-) only paid/payable for the period from 31 January 2017 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2018, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to the re-election of the fullowing Company Directors who were retiring in accordance with Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and they, being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election, namely: –
The profiles of the aforesaid Directors have been provided to the Members on pages 10, 14, and 15 of the Annual Report 2017.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessment on the aforesaid Directors standing for re-election. In this respect, the Board has approved the recommendation of its Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors are eligible to stand for re-election.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Group Managing Director, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling took to the Chair for the purpose of tabling Resolutio 3 to the shareholders of the Company since Resolutio 3 relates to the re-election of the Chairman, who retires by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Company’s Constitution and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election.
There being no questions, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin put Resolutio 3 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 3 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,514,696,904 | 97.2054 | 43,546,329 | 2.7946 | 3,756,800 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
The Chairman thanked Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin and the shareholders on his re-election and proceeded to table Resolutio 4 on the re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi Bin Mat Nor as a Director of the Company to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman conveyed Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi’s apulogy for not being able to attend this AGM due to a prior overseas business commitment that he was unable to change.
The Meeting noted Mr. Wong Kim Wing’s (the corporate representative of MSWG) comment that it is the pulicy of MSWG to vote against any Resolutio on Director’s re-election where the Director seeking for re-election is not present at the AGM.
There being no further questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 4 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 4 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,521,954,286 | 97.6715 | 36,283,259 | 2.3285 | 3,796,300 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg Dato’ Haji Azmi Bin Haji Mat Nor, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
At this juncture, Mr. Ng Chee Heng (a proxy hulder) enquired on the reliability of the electronic live pull voting using wireless handheld e-voting device in particular the abstain vote function. He further expressed his dissatisfaction on the said system used by Insurban.
The Meeting noted the clarifications given by Ms. Leou Zia Zia from Insurban in respect of an abstention, as follows: –
The Chairman assured the Meeting that they will seriously review the pull voting services provided by Insurban for the Company’s next AGM.
Notwithstanding that the abstained vote is not required to be displayed, the Chairman informed that the Company will request the Pull Administrator to display the abstained vote at the next AGM.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolutio 5 on the re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah as a Director of the Company to the Members for their consideration and approval.
There being no questions, the Chairman put Resolutio 5 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 5 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,522,228,386 | 97.6904 | 35,989,247 | 2.3096 | 3,770,800 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Goon Heng Wah, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
The Chairman informed that Agenda 5 relates to the re-appointment of Messrs. Ernst & Young (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed that EY had expressed their willingness to continue in office and the Board had endorsed the recommendation by the Audit Committee for EY to be re-appointed as the Auditors of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 6. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 6 to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 6 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,526,824,432 | 98.0834 | 29,835,501 | 1.9166 | 5,318,200 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT Messrs. Ernst & Young having expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to huld office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
The Chairman proceeded to the next Agenda which is a Special Business to empower the Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be a decision to issue new shares, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and utilisation of proceeds. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 7.
Questions raised by Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui, a sharehulder was responded by the Chairman accordingly and the said respond is append as “Appendix II” of this minutes.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 7to vote and the pull results are as follows:
Ordinary Resolution 7 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,061,265,829 | 72.1308 | 410,042,104 | 27.8692 | 90,679,600 |
It was resulved as follows: –
“THAT pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, the Directors be and are hereby authorised with full powers to allot and issue shares in the Company from time to time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors in their absulute discretion deem fit provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this Resolutio does not exceed 10% of the total number of issued shares for the time being of the Company and that such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued.”
The Chairman informed that the last agenda, which is also a Special Business relates to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2017.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the said Share Buy-back Statement that the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolutio 8.
In response to Mr. Jeremy Ting Keng Fui’s enquiry on the necessity of tabling the Resolutio for the proposed renewal of the share buy-back authority since the Company did not make any purchase of its own ordinary shares during the past financial years, the Chairman informed that the renewal mandate is sought so that the Company has the flexibility to undertake share buy-back as and when the need arises in the interest of the Company.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman put Resolutio 8to vote and the pull results are as follows: –
Ordinary Resolution 8 | For | Against | Abstained | |||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | ||
1,231,103,133 | 99.9885 | 142,000 | 0.0115 | 171,082,300 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad’s (“Bursa Securities”) Main Market Listing Requirements and the approvals of all relevant government and/or regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company from time to time through Bursa Securities upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that the aggregate number of shares to be purchased pursuant to this Resolutio does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares for the time being of the Company and an amount not exceeding the retained profits of the Company be and is hereby allocated by the Company for the Proposed Share Buy-back;
THAT at the discretion of the Directors, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled and distributed as dividends or resuld on Bursa Securities;
THAT the Directors be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and things and to enter into and execute all commitments, transactions, deeds, agreements, arrangements, undertakings, indemnities, transfers, assignments and/or guarantees as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, revaluations, variations and/or amendments as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and/or any amendments, variations and/or modifications in the interest of the Company as may be approved by any relevant authorities if such approvals are required;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this Resolutio and shall continue to be in force until:
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of Bursa Securities’ Main Market Listing Requirements or any other relevant authorities.”
A copy of the pull results in relation to all the Resolutios tabled at the AGM prepared by Insurban are enclosed herewith as “Appendix III” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the pull results.
The Chairman upon confirmation with the Company Secretary, informed that the Company did not received any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at this meeting.
There being no other business, the Chairman, on behalf of the Board thanked all present for their attendance at the Meeting and declared the 41st AGM duly closed at 11.58 a.m.
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan bin Mohd Yusof (“Danny Rashdan”)
Deputy Group Managing Director/ Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin
Two Hundred and Ninety-four (294) Members, One Hundred and Twenty-seven (127) Proxies (including Chairman) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,600,470,765 Ordinary Shares representing 64.67%, As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Mr. Soo Kok Wong
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Shernice Heng Xin Yi
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Mr. Jerry Ang Zi Kang
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein , the Chairman of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company chaired the 43rd AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 72 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the shareholders of the Company and the proxies (collectively “Members”) for attending the 43rd AGM of the Company.
Before beginning the proceedings of the 43rd AGM, the Chairman reminded the Members to observe the following house rules: –
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 70 of the Constitution of the Company , the Chairman declared the 43rd AGM duly convened at 10.05 a.m.
The Notice convening the 43rd AGM together with the CD-ROM containing the Annual Report 2019 together with the Abridged Annual Report and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 8 November 2019 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board as well as the Company Secretary who were in attendance.
The Chairman informed the Members that all resolutions set out in the Notice of the 43rd AGM dated 8 November 2019 would be put to vote by poll, as stated in Note 2(g) of the said Notice pursuant to the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
The Chairman further informed the Members that the Company had appointed Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd (“Tricor”) as the Poll Administrator to conduct the electronic poll voting whilst Coopers Professional Scrutineers Sdn Bhd (“Scrutineers”) is the Independent Scrutineers appointed to verify the poll vote results. He added that the poll voting using electronic devices for all resolutions will be conducted upon completion of the deliberation of all items to be transacted at the 43rd AGM.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Group Managing Director, Mr. Danny Rashdan presented the responses by the Company to the questions raised by the Minority Shareholder Watch Group (“MSWG”) vide their letter dated 21 November 2019.MSWG’s questions and the responses from the Company were simultaneously displayed on screen in the meeting hall (copy enclosed as “Appendix A”).
Thereafter, Mr. Danny Rashdan proceeded with his presentation on the performance of the Group for the financial year under review which covered the following: –
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Mr Danny Rashdan handed over the meeting to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Danny Rashdan for his presentation and proceeded to invite the Members to raise questions, if any, before commencing with the first agenda for the 43rd AGM.
All questions raised were responded by the Chairman, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai and Mr. Danny Rashdan accordingly. The details of the pertinent questions raised and the Company responses are set out in “Appendix B”,
There being no further questions from the Members of the Company, the Chairman proceeded to the first agenda of the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 43rd AGM is to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors are only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
Since all questions by shareholders have been raised earlier after the Company presentation, the Audited Financial Statements were duly received by the shareholders of the Company.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Seven Hundred and Seventy-four Thousand Four Hundred and Seventeen (RM774,417/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2019.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
There being no questions, the Chairman proceeded to Agenda 3.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and deliberated by the Members under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016, the fees of the Directors, and any benefits payable to the Directors of listed companies and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by shareholders at general meetings.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM320,000/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 6 December 2019 until the next AGM in 2020.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration is also provided on:
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this 43rd AGM, shareholders’ approval will be sought at the next AGM in 2020.
There being no questions, the Chairman proceeded to Agenda 4.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to the re-election of the following Company Directors who retire in accordance with Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election, namely: –
The profiles of the aforesaid Directors were provided to the Members on pages 49, 53 and 54 of the Annual Report 2019.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessment on each of the aforesaid Directors standing for re-election. In this respect, the Board has endorsed the recommendation of its Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors are eligible to stand for re-election.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with the aforesaid resolutions. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on Resolutions 3, 4 and 5 shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman informed that Agenda 5 relates to the re-appointment of Messrs. Ernst & Young (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed that EY had expressed their willingness to continue in office and the Board being satisfied that EY has met the relevant criteria prescribed under Paragraph 15.21 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad which was concluded through the assessment carried out by the Audit Committee on the suitability and independence of EY, had endorsed the recommendation of the Audit Committee for EY to be re-appointed as Auditors.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 6. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on this resolution shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman proceeded to the next Agenda which is a Special Business to empower the Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be any decision to issue new shares after the authorisation is sought, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and the utilisation of proceeds arising from such issuance of shares. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 7.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on this resolution shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman informed that the next agenda, which is also a Special Business relates to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 8 November 2019.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the said Share Buy-back Statement that the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 8.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on this resolution shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman informed that the last agenda is to consider and if thought fit to pass the Special Resolution on the Proposed Adoption of New Constitution where the details of the proposal are set out in Part B of the Circular to Shareholders dated 8 November 2019.
The Proposed Adoption of New Constitution is undertaken primarily to:
The Chairman reiterated that the Board is of the opinion that the said proposal is in the interest of the Company and is administrative in nature.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with the Special Resolution.
As there was no questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman proceeded to adjourn the 43rd AGM.
The Chairman, upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not received any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at this meeting.
The Chairman informed the shareholders that an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) has been scheduled immediately following the adjournment (as the case may be) of the 43rd AGM.
Since there were no objection from the shareholders present, the Chairman informed that the poll voting will be conducted after the EGM and he shall continue with the proceedings of the EGM.
As such, the briefing by Tricor on the procedures for the conduct of the poll voting using Tricor e-Vote Application will be done upon the adjournment of the EGM.
Nevertheless, the Chairman informed that Members who do not wish to attend the EGM, may proceed to the voting kiosk located at the registration room to cast their votes now.
At 11.30 a.m., the Chairman declared that the registration for attendance at the 43rd AGM be and is hereby closed and that the 43rd AGM shall now be adjourned for purposes of poll voting after the adjournment of the EGM.
Upon the adjournment of the EGM (which was held immediately following the adjournment, as the case may be of the 43rd AGM) at 12.10 p.m., the Chairman invited the Poll Administrator and the Independent Scrutineers to introduce themselves, namely: –
Ms. Wong of Tricor explained the procedures for the conduct of the poll voting at the 43rd AGM using Tricor’s e-Vote App. Accordingly, Members now have the following options in regards to the e-voting:-
For Members who opt to use their own mobile devices were required to download the Tricor e-Vote App and once downloaded, to connect to the following WI-FI network:
WI-FI Name | Tricor_eVote |
Password | Gamuda0512 |
The tutorial video to guide the Members on how to vote using the Tricor e-Vote App which was played in the registration room earlier was once again played inside the meeting hall.
Ms. Wong handed-over the meeting to the Chairman upon conclusion of the briefing of the said polling procedures.
At 12.15 p.m. the Chairman adjourned the 43rd AGM again for 15 minutes for the poll voting, The Chairman informed that the Poll Administrator would assist Members facing any difficulties during the e-voting process.
At 12.25 p.m., the Poll Administrator announced that the e-voting session for the 43rd AGM has ended. The poll results were handed over to the Scrutineers for validation.
After 15 minutes, the Chairman then called the 43rd AGM to order for declaration of poll results for Resolutions 1 to 8 and the Special Resolution respectively.
The 43rd AGM was re-convened at 12.35 p.m. where, the Chairman called the meeting to order for the declaration of the poll results. He informed that he had received the poll results from Tricor and the Scrutineers.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Scrutineers, Mr. Chuah Poo Sian confirmed that the poll voting results as projected on the screen in the meeting hall have been duly verified. He then moved on to read out the poll results to the Members present, as follows: –
Resolution 1
Payment of Directors’ Fees
Ordinary Resolution 1 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,496,235,270 | 99.9930 | 104,400 | 0.0070 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred and Seventy-four Thousand Four Hundred and Seventeen (RM774,417/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2019, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Resolution 2
Payment of Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ Fees)
Ordinary Resolution 2 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,496,339,370 | 99.9998 | 2,400 | 0.0002 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM320,000/-) only payable for the period from 6 December 2019 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2020 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Resolution 3
Re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling as Director
Ordinary Resolution 3 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,465,976,423 | 91.6768 | 133,094,347 | 8.3232 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 4
Re-election of Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek as Director
Ordinary Resolution 4 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,598,295,870 | 99.9515 | 774,900 | 0.0485 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 5
Re-election of Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari as Director
Ordinary Resolution 5 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,409,337,873 | 88.1348 | 189,732,897 | 11.8652 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari, the Director retiring pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 6
Re-appointment of Messrs Ernst & Young as Company Auditors
Ordinary Resolution 6 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,594,175,344 | 99.6939 | 4,895,426 | 0.3061 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Messrs. Ernst & Young, who have expressed their willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Resolution 7
Authority to Issue Shares Pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016
Ordinary Resolution 7 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,144,167,407 | 71.8441 | 448,403,363 | 28.1559 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company.”
Resolution 8
Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority
Ordinary Resolution 8 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,178,112,170 | 99.7153 | 3,363,900 | 0.2847 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that the aggregate number of ordinary shares to be purchased pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being of the Company and an amount not exceeding the retained profits of the Company be and is hereby allocated by the Company for the Proposed Share Buy-back.
THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and things and to enter into and execute all commitments, transactions, deeds, agreements, arrangements, undertakings, indemnities, transfers, assignments and/or guarantees as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, revaluations, variations and/or amendments as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and/or any amendments, variations and/or modifications in the interest of the Company as may be approved by any relevant authorities if such approvals are required;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until:
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad or any other relevant authorities.”
Special Resolution
Proposed Adoption of New Constitution of the Company
Special Resolution | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,599,069,770 | 99.999 | 1,000 | 0.0001 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT approval be and is hereby given for the Company to revoke its existing Memorandum and Articles of Association with immediate effect and in place thereof, the proposed new Constitution of the Company as set out in Appendix II of the Statement/Circular to Shareholders dated 8 November 2019 be and is hereby adopted as the Constitution of the Company with immediate effect (“Proposed New Constitution”);
AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all acts, deeds and things as are necessary and/or expedient in order to give full effect to the Proposed New Constitution with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments as may be required by any relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results as projected on the screen, the Chairman declared all Resolutions 1 to 8 and the Special Resolution tabled at the 43rd AGM carried.
A copy of the above poll results prepared by Tricor are enclosed herewith as “Appendix C” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanked the Members for their attendance at the 43rd AGM and declared the 43rd AGM duly closed at 12.39 p.m.
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling
Group Managing Director
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ir. Ha Tiing Tai
Deputy Group Managing Director
Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang
Independent Non-Executive Director
Y.M. Tunku Afwida binti Tunku A.Malek
Independent Non-Executive Director
Encik Mohammed Rashdan bin Mohd Yusof
“Danny Rashdan”
Deputy Group Managing Director/ Alternate Director to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin
Three Hundred and Thirty Two (332) Members, One Hundred and Sixty Two (162) Proxies (including Chairman) and One (1) Corporate Representative, holding 1,559,404,174 Ordinary Shares representing 63.15%, As per Attendance List (based on Headcounts)
Puan Nazli binti Mohd Khir Johari
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Saw Wah Theng
Group Executive Director/Finance Director
Mr. Ngan Chee Meng
Chief Operating Officer, Gamuda Land
Mr. Wong Tsien Loong
Chief Information Officer
Mr. Terence Tan Shium Jye
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Shernice Heng Xin Yi
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Mr. Jerry Ang Zi Kang
Representatives from Messrs Ernst & Young
Ms. Lim Soo Lye
Company Secretary
Ms. Jasmine Pang Siok Tieng
Company Secretary
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohammed Hussein, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company chaired the 42nd AGM of the Company pursuant to Clause 72 of the Constitution of the Company.
The Chairman welcomed and thanked the members of the Company (“Members”) and the proxies for attending the 42nd AGM of the Company.
Before beginning the proceedings, the Chairman reminded the Members to observe the following house rules: –
The requisite quorum being present pursuant to Clause 70 of the Constitution of the Company, the Chairman declared the 42nd AGM duly convened at 10.00 a.m.
The Notice convening the 42nd AGM together with the CD-Rom containing the Annual Report 2018 together with the Abridged Annual Report and the Statement to Shareholders in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority, all dated 9 November 2018 were taken as read.
The Chairman introduced each member of the Board as well as the Company Secretary who were in attendance.
The Chairman also took the opportunity to welcome the following newly appointed Directors who came on Board on 28 September 2018, namely: –
The Chairman informed the Members that all resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 9 November 2018 would be put to vote by poll, as stated in Note 2(g) of the said Notice pursuant to the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
The Chairman further informed the Members that the Company had appointed Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd (“Tricor”) as the Poll Administrator to conduct the electronic poll voting whilst Coopers Professional Scrutineers Sdn Bhd (“Scrutineers”) is the Independent Scrutineers appointed to verify the poll vote results. He added that the poll voting using electronic devices for all resolutions will be conducted upon completion of the deliberation of all items to be transacted at the 42nd AGM.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Group Executive Director/Finance Director, Mr. Saw Wah Theng presented the responses by the Company to the questions raised by the Minority Shareholder Watch Group (“MSWG”) vide their letter dated 27 November 2018 (copy enclosed as “Appendix I”).MSWG’s questions and the responses from the Company were simultaneously displayed on screen in the meeting hall (copy enclosed as “Appendix I”).
Thereafter, Mr. Danny Rashdan proceeded with his presentation on the Operations Review and Business Outlook of the Group for the financial year under review which covered the following:-
Upon completion of the Company Presentation, Mr Danny Rashdan handed over the meeting to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked both Mr. Saw and Mr. Danny Rashdan for their presentation and proceeded to invite the Members to raise questions, if any, before commencing with the first agenda for the 42nd AGM.
All questions raised were responded by the Chairman, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Lin Yun Ling, Mr. Saw Wah Theng and Mr. Danny Rashdan accordingly. The details of the pertinent questions raised and the Company responses are set out in “Appendix II”,
At this juncture and upon the enquiry of Mr. Festus a/l A Christ Dhas, a shareholder of the Company, on the progress of the rectification works of the vacuum sewerage system at Bandar Botanic, the Chairman invited Mr. Ngan Chee Meng, the Chief Executive Officer of Gamuda Land to give a presentation on the status of the said rectification works.
There being no further questions from the Members of the Company, the Chairman proceeded to the first agenda of the 42nd AGM.
The Chairman informed the Members that the first agenda for the 42nd AGM is to receive the Audited Financial Statements.
Under Section 340 (1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, the Audited Financial Statements which have been approved by the Board and audited by its external auditors are only required to be laid before the Company at its AGM.
Since all questions by shareholders have been raised earlier after the Company presentation, the Audited Financial Statements were duly received by the shareholders of the Company.
The Chairman then moved on to table Resolution 1 whereby shareholders’ approval was sought on the payment of Directors’ fees amounting to Malaysian Ringgit Five Hundred and Ninety Thousand (RM590,000/-) only for the financial year ended 31 July 2018.
The Chairman informed the shareholders as follows: –
There being no questions, the Chairman proceeded to Agenda 3.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agenda 3 is to seek shareholders’ approval for the payment of Directors’ benefits which excludes Directors’ fees since the Directors’ fees has been tabled and approved by the shareholders under Resolution 1.
The Chairman highlighted that pursuant to Section 230(1) of the new Companies Act 2016 which came into effect on 31 January 2017, the fees of the Directors, and any benefits payable to the Directors of a listed company and its subsidiaries are required to be approved by the shareholders at a general meeting.
Accordingly, Resolution 2 is to authorise the payment of Directors’ benefits of up to an amount of RM320,000/-, as and when incurred, to the Non-Executive Directors for the period from 7 December 2018 until the next AGM in 2019.
The Chairman explained that the current Directors’ benefits paid/payable to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company comprises meeting allowances and benefits-in-kind of the Company, as follows: –
Explanatory on the Directors’ remuneration is also provided on:
The Chairman further clarified that should the amount of Directors’ benefits paid exceeds the estimated amount sought at this AGM, shareholders’ approval will be sought at the next AGM in 2019.
There being no questions, the Chairman proceeded to Agenda 4.
The Chairman informed the Members that Agendas 4 relates to the re-election of the following Company Directors who retire in accordance with Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible for re-election, have offered themselves for re-election, namely: -.
The Chairman then informed that Resolution 5 was on the re-election of Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang, the newly appointed Independent Director who is due to retire in accordance with Clause 101 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible for re-election, had offered himself for re-election.
The profiles of the aforesaid Directors were provided to the Members on pages 48, 49 and 50 of the Annual Report 2018.
In line with the recommendation of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance, the Board has conducted the necessary assessment on each of the aforesaid Directors standing for re-election. In this respect, the Board has endorsed the recommendation of its Nomination Committee that the aforesaid Directors are eligible to stand for re-election.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with the aforesaid resolutions. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on Resolutions 3, 4 and 5 shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 42nd AGM.
The Chairman informed that Agenda 6 relates to the re-appointment of Messrs. Ernst & Young (“EY”) as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing financial year and to authorise the Company Directors to fix their remuneration.
The Chairman informed that EY had expressed their willingness to continue in office and the Board being satisfied that EY has met the relevant criteria prescribed under Paragraph 15.21 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad which was concluded through the assessment carried out by the Audit Committee on the suitability and independence of EY, had endorsed the recommendation of the Audit Committee for EY to be re-appointed as Auditors.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 6. As there was no question and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on this resolution shall be conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 42nd AGM.
The Chairman proceeded to the next Agenda which is a Special Business to empower the Company Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to the Members for their consideration and approval.
The Chairman assured the Members that should there be a decision to issue new shares, the Company would make an announcement accordingly of the actual purpose and utilisation of proceeds. The approval of the relevant authorities would still be required before any share can be issued by the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 7.
As there was no further questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman informed that voting on this resolution shall be
conducted by poll upon completion of the remaining businesses of the 42nd AGM.
The Chairman informed that the last agenda, which is also a Special Business relates to the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority where the details of the proposal are set out in the Share Buy-Back Statement dated 9 November 2017.
The Chairman reiterated the Board’s opinion as disclosed in the said Share Buy-back Statement that the proposed renewal of share buy-back authority is in the best interest of the Company.
The Chairman invited questions from the floor in connection with Resolution 8.
As there was no questions and/or clarification sought, the Chairman proceeded to the poll voting.
The Chairman, upon confirmation with the Company Secretary that the Company did not received any notice for transaction of any other business to be transacted at this meeting.
The Chairman invited the Poll Administrator and the Independent Scrutineers to introduce themselves, namely: –
After the introduction and upon the invitation of the Chairman, Ms Wong Yoke Fun of Tricor briefed the shareholders on the procedures for the conduct of the poll at this meeting using Tricor’s e-Vote App.
Ms. Wong informed that when the Chairman announces the start of the voting session, shareholders now have the following option in regards to voting: –
For shareholders who opt to use their own mobile devices are required to download the Tricor e-Vote App and once downloaded, to connect to the following WI-FI network:
WI-FI Name | Tricor_eVote |
Password | gamuda5398 |
A short tutorial video on the e-voting process was played at the meeting prior to the commencement of e-voting process at 12.15 p.m.
The Chairman then declared that the registration for attendance at the 42nd AGM closed at 12.15 p.m. for the conduct of electronic voting (“e-voting”) using “Tricor’s e-Vote App”. The 42nd AGM would be adjourned after the e-voting, and would resume for declaration of the poll results after the adjournment of the 42nd AGM.
At 12.25 p.m., the Poll Administrator announced that the voting session for the 42nd AGM has ended. The poll results were handed over to the Scrutineers for validation.
The Chairman then declared that 42nd AGM will now be adjourned for the declaration of poll results in respect of Resolutions 1 to 8.
At 12.34 p.m., the Chairman called the meeting to order for the declaration of the poll results. He informed that he had received the poll results from Tricor and the Scrutineers, copies of the poll results and together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results are attached herewith as “Appendix III”.
Upon the invitation of the Chairman, the Scrutineers, Mr. Chuah Poo Sian read out the poll results to the members and proxies present, as follows: –
Resolution 1
Payment of Directors’ Fees
Ordinary Resolution 1 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,452,027,834 | 99.998 | 24,200 | 0.002 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Fees amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred and Ninety Thousand (RM590,000/-) only in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2018, as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Resolution 2
Payment of Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ Fees)
Ordinary Resolution 2 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,452,031,734 | 99.998 | 22,100 | 0.002 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT the Directors’ Remuneration (excluding Directors’ fees) of up to an amount of RM320,000/-) only payable for the period from 7 December 2018 until the next AGM of the Company to be held in 2019 as recommended by the Board, be and is hereby approved with immediate effect.”
Resolution 3
Re-election of Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah as Director
Ordinary Resolution 3 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,007,934,911 | 95.061 | 52,367,410 | 4.939 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.T.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Eleena Binti Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 4
Re-election of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai as Director
Ordinary Resolution 4 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,527,431,817 | 99.588 | 6,315,128 | 0.412 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ha Tiing Tai, the Director retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby reelected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 5
Re-election of Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang as Director
Ordinary Resolution 5 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,538,707,166 | 98.949 | 16,347,055 | 1.051 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Setia Haji Ambrin bin Buang, the newly appointed Director retiring pursuant to Clause 101 of the Constitution of the Company and being eligible, has offered himself for re-election, be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company.”
Resolution 6
Re-appointment of Messrs Ernst & Young as Company Auditors
Ordinary Resolution 6 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,553,361,221 | 96.763 | 3,695,200 | 0.237 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT Messrs. Ernst & Young having expressed their willing willingness to continue in office, be and are hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.”
Resolution 7
Authority to Issue Shares Pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016
Ordinary Resolution 7 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,041,141,871 | 70.992 | 425,421,550 | 29.008 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject always to the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities (if required), the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016, to issue and allot shares in the Company, from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors of the Company may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of, and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company.”
Resolution 8
Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-back Authority
Ordinary Resolution 8 | For | Against | ||
No. of Shares | % | No. of Shares | % | |
1,208,461,921 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 |
It was resolved as follows: –
“THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016, the Constitution of the Company, the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and the approvals of the relevant governmental regulatory authorities, the Company be and is hereby authorised to purchase such number of ordinary shares of the Company (“Proposed Share Buy-back”) as may be determined by the Directors of the Company, from time to time, through Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit in the interest of the Company provided that the aggregate number of ordinary shares to be purchased pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being of the Company and an amount not exceeding the retained profits of the Company be and is hereby allocated by the Company for the Proposed Share Buyback.
THAT at the absolute discretion of the Directors of the Company, upon such purchase by the Company of its own shares, the purchased shares shall be cancelled and/or retained as treasury shares and subsequently be cancelled, distributed as dividends or resold on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and/or in any other manner as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016.
THAT the Directors of the Company be and are hereby empowered to do all acts and things and to enter into and execute all commitments, transactions, deeds, agreements, arrangements, undertakings, indemnities, transfers, assignments and/or guarantees as the Directors may deem fit and expedient in order to implement, finalise and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-back with full powers to assent to any conditions, modifications, revaluations, variations and/or amendments as may be required or imposed by any relevant authorities and/or any amendments, variations and/or modifications in the interest of the Company as may be approved by any relevant authorities if such
approvals are required;
AND THAT the authority hereby given shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and shall continue to be in force until:
whichever occurs first, but not so as to prejudice the completion of the purchase of its own shares by the Company before the aforesaid expiry date and, in any event, in accordance with the provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad or any other relevant authorities.”
Based on the poll results which was also displayed on screen, the Chairman declared that all Resolutions 1 to 8 duly carried.
A copy of the above poll results prepared by Tricor are enclosed herewith as “Appendix III” together with the Scrutineers’ letter confirming verification of the poll results.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanked the Members for their attendance at the Meeting and declared the 42nd AGM duly closed at 12.40 p.m.