The Audit Committee (Committee) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors (Board) from amongst its members and shall consist of not less than three members, all of whom must be Non-executive Directors with a majority of them being Independent Directors. The members of Committee must elect a chairman from among themselves who is an Independent Director. An Alternate Director cannot be appointed as a member of the Committee.
At least one member of the Committee:
In the event of any vacancy in the Committee resulting in non-compliance with Bursa Malaysia’s Main Market Listing Requirements (Listing Requirements) in respect of composition of the Committee and / or the election of an independent chairman, the Board must fill the vacancy within three months.
The Nomination Committee must review the term of office and performance of the Committee and each of its members annually to determine whether the Committee and its members have carried out their duties in accordance with their terms of reference.
Meetings shall be held not less than four times a year and the Finance Director, Head of Internal Audit and representatives of the External Auditors will be invited to assist the Committee. Other Board members and Senior Management may attend meetings upon the invitation of the Committee. At least twice a year, the Committee shall meet with the External Auditors without any executive officer of the Group being present. Additional meetings may be held upon request by any Committee member, the Management, Internal or External Auditors.Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a majority of Independent Directors and shall not be less than two.Secretary
The Company Secretary shall act as secretary of the Committee.Reporting Procedure
The minutes of each meeting shall be distributed to the Committee members and to all Board members. Key issues discussed are reported by the Chairman of the Committee to the Board.Authority
In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the Committee shall:
The duties of the Committee shall include a review of the following: